Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Disneyland #12

Sorry for those of you tired of my Disneyland posts.  I like going back through, and remembering each visit individually.  Plus, both of my boys are little, and I don't know how much they will remember in 20 years, so I hope these posts will be fun to read down the road. 

That being said - holy moly,  this last visit was exhausting!  I seriously think it might be one of my last until I have the baby.  Well....I really want to try to go one more time in December and/or January, but we will just have to see how I feel.  I really don't want to go into labor at Disneyland by myself with two little boys.  Yes, it would make quite the story, but it doesn't sound fun! :-)  My energy level is going down, and I get exhausted a lot faster.  I was overly ambitious this last visit, and I went to both parks.  I have only done that once since having the passes, and that was when I wasn't pregnant.  It is totally manageable - if you are able to walk like a normal person!  :-) There is just so much walking required, and that is the hard part.  Wesley REALLY wanted to go on Little Mermaid ride, so I had to go to California Adventure and take him.  We also went on Toy Story Midway Mania as well.  I love that ride, it is really fun.  However, there are only two seats and Chase had to sit on my lap for the ride.  Two words - super squishy!  I am learning quickly that I can't fit on the rides as well as I used to.  Especially with a bar that is supposed to go over both my large lap, and two tiny little boys' laps all at the same time.  Either I am squished, or they have no bar.  :-)  Plus, some of the older rides, like in Fantasy land were built for tiny people.  The lines are soo narrow. I can barely make it through the spin bar thingys (what ever they are called).  It is kind of comical actually.    Anyways, At Disneyland Chase really wanted to go on the choo choo.  I am rather choo chooed out, so I took the boys on the monorail for the first time.  It is like a train in the sky, right?!  We also did Alice in Wonderland, and Its a Small World.  Oh my goodness - that ride all decorated for the Holidays is AMAZING! Each room even had its own smell - Christmas tree, Candy Cane, spice, and so on.  It was really cute.   I feel like we take so long to drive there, park, unload, wait for the elevator, wait for the tram, take the tram to the parks, get through baggage check, that by the time I make it to Disneyland I am already super tired!  Then, by the time I waddle to the first ride and wait in line, already hours have gone by since we left.  I spend hours there, but I usually only make it to a few rides  because it takes me so long to get to each ride with the stroller, unload the boys, and wait in line,  I just get pooped! I am glad we got to enjoy quite a few more eventful trips when I wasn't pregnant and had more energy!  :-)  I really wanted to stay for the Christmas parade and fireworks, but after about 5 hours there, I knew I just couldn't make it.  I even brought all our heavy jackets for the cold, and was all prepared! I really wanted to last, but I just physically couldn't do it.  My legs were getting sore, Chase had reached his limit, and I needed to get back to the car, even if it was right in the middle of rush hour traffic.  From the time we started to leave, to the time we actually got home, it took us about 2 hours.  I was sooo happy to get home.  The boys fell asleep without eating dinner at 6.  I was so happy to be able to cuddle up on the couch with my warm, fuzzy blanket, and just relax. I also went to bed really early, and boy did I need it!  :-) 

These trips have been a lot of fun, and a nice way to spend time with my boys before baby comes, and before Wesley starts school.  I will always hold these memories close to my heart, and am so grateful for this opportunity to take my boys to the Happiest place on earth and watch their face light up.   It is soo much harder going alone, but it is also a rewarding experience to overcome some of my fears.  Now I feel like a Disney pro!  :-)  There are still things we have not been able to do at both parks, but I feel like we have had many great adventures and we created a lot of great memories. 

I feel like a giant blob in the middle of the picture, lol.  I don't have many pics of all three (four) of us at Disneyland though, so it means a lot to me to have these.  I love how cute Wesley is posing. 

We got to the parks right at lunch time.  I always try to get there when they open, but this time I wanted to go later so I could make it to the parade.  Well, that didn't work, but it was a nice cool day so it was ok.  Before even entering the parks, we sat down at the picnic area to eat out lunch.  No one was there.  It was really nice!  
Mid bite "say cheese" faces

They were filming "The View" in front of the castle, so this was the best picture I was able to get of the pretty decorated castle. 

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

You look so beautiful! Seriously, you look very glowing and put together!