Tuesday, July 16, 2013

11 weeks

I'm now 11 weeks, and things are pretty much the same from the last post.  I am still fairly nauseous, but it is the worst at night.  I feel ok in the mornings, and so/so in the afternoon.  I do have some medication that helps out, but I really don't like taking medicine while pregnant, so I try to only use it if I really need it.  It does help though, so that is a great blessing.  Sleeping makes me feel better, and I am blessed to be able to get a good amount of sleep- more than I would have every guessed with two kids.  I do toss and turn a lot at night, and there have been nights where I lay there for hours feeling nauseous, trying to convince myself that I don't need to throw up.  Some nights it works, and if I can fall asleep, I am fine.  If not, (or if a crying boy wakes me up), that usually sends me running to the toilet.  I have lost 5 pounds so far, but my tummy is still growing.  I keep telling people that getting pregnant is a great diet, but no one believes me!  :-) With Chase, I lost 7 or 8 pounds, but I lost a lot in my tummy.  This time, I have popped out pretty fast (at least I think so).  There is for sure something there that I can't suck in!  I am starting to get more excited, and it is fun to be able to share the fun with Wesley who is old enough to understand what is going on.  Each week we look at how big the baby is, and what size fruit the baby compares to.  Chase is still too little to really understand.  I told him there was  a baby in Mommy's tummy.  He lifted up my shirt, took a look, and then looked at me and said in his sweet quiet little voice, "Noooooooo!" I told him the baby was on the inside, not the outside.  He then looked out the window, looked back inside the house, and again said, "Noooooo!"  :-)  I know I've said it a bunch of times before, but I still can't believe what a miracle the whole process is.  I have studied the reproductive system in detail in school, and at home, but it still amazes me that a baby can grow and survive inside a woman's body - and that it all starts with a tiny ball of cells no bigger than the period at the end of this sentence.  Amazing!

We took the boys with us to my first ultrasound.  I thought Wesley would enjoy being there.  We had to wait a really long time in the waiting room, and my doctor was running late.  She was really fast, and I don't think the boys got to see much, including Jason.  I saw the baby wiggling for a few seconds, and we got to hear the heartbeat.  She took the measurements, took some pics, and we were done in maybe 40 seconds.  Wesley enjoyed looking at the pictures, even if he didn't really get what was going on because it was so fast.  It was still fun taking the boys with us, and getting to experience seeing the baby for the first time as a family. 
9 week ultrasound - the moon shape is the amniotic sac.  Inside that is the little baby.  He or she is head down, and the two little legs are at the top, and the middle part is the round little belly.  At 9 weeks, it is hard to see detail, but it is still amazing to me!  I think at this point, the baby was about the size of an olive if I remember right. 

I was only 4 or 5 weeks here, but the bloat started pushing things out fast.  Unfortunately, the baby is soooo small, I can't blame the belly on the baby!  It was all hormones!  Crazy hormones! 
9 weeks, and already starting to pop out.  I don't mind though!  Its the only time a woman can enjoy having a growing belly!!  Plus, I don't have to try to hide it anymore now that people know!  :-)   Even if I might look a little frumpy, I know I will appreciate going back and seeing my growth (and hopefully this baby will too!)  Wesley loves looking at pictures of my pregnancy with him, knowing he was inside! 

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I'm reading your last few weeks posts, and have to say - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you guys and your growing family!! I agree with you, pregnancy is a miracle. Whenever I read a book about pregnancy and everything that can go wrong I wonder how so many normal healthy babies are born! It's a miracle, true! I hope your morning sickness is short lived this time around. You have such a sweet family!