Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Enjoying nature!

 Wesley loves being outside, and wanted to go on a nature walk last Saturday.  My friend told me about this nature preserve that is only about 20 min from our home.  I  didn't even know it existed, and it sounded like a perfect thing to do as a family, and a nice way to enjoy nature.  There is a little children's center, like a mini museum, and it was so cute!  I was pleasantly surprised by how many things there were to look at.  It was so organized, and so well run.  For being free, it was quite amazing.  Wesley has been fascinated with bones lately, and there were quite a few animal bones and skeletons on display.  There were a lot of live animals too.  After we spent some time in the nature center, we picked up a nature walk pamphlet.  There is a cute, easy hike that wanders around the nature preserve.  There are numbers along the trail, and you can read in the pamphlet some facts about the area the correspond with the number.  The trail was shady for most of the way, and it was easy enough that Chase was able to do most of the hike.  We brought the stroller to avoid any melt downs like last time, but he wanted to walk.  I was a little nervous because the tour pamphlet said that there were a lot of poisonous plants along the way, and warned us not touch them.  Of course Chase was wobbly, and kept running into plants, or touching flowers.  One of the the best parts of the hike was all the baby frogs. There were hundreds along the trail.  It was such a nice, relaxing, and easy hike for kids.  On our way home we spotted a little splash park down the street.  We didn't have any bathing suits, or a change of clothing, but we let Wesley have fun.  Chase was too timid to play (or maybe he was just smart not wanting to get all wet in his clothing).  I am amazed by all the wonderful things in this world that are such a short distance from our home!! 

Can you see the two frogs? 

Looking at all the frogs and tadpoles in the pond

You can see Wesley enjoying the water, and Chase watching from the sidelines

 My sister in law bought an annual pass to the LA zoo, and added my name on the card so we can all get in for free all year.  I took my parents yesterday, and the boys had fun.  Wesley was all dressed up in his safari outfit, and was the cutest safari dude at the zoo. :-)  They had a sale on caricature paintings, so I got one for each of the boys.  Wesley was so still and serious, but his picture came out really cute.  Chase was grinning from ear to ear.  He was so excited to be a big boy, and to be able to get his picture drawn (not to mention all the cute teenage girls making him laugh standing behind the artist).  I don't see those kind of smiles coming from him very often.  I am so sad that I didn't grab my camera and take a picture of his sweet smiles.  In his picture, he has this HUGE smile.  It kind of looks devious and sinister, lol.  We brought our own lunch, but my parents treated us to some ice cream.  We only stayed a few hours, but it is days like this that make great memories for the kids :-) 

Chase was too scared to go near any of the big animal statutes. 

The boys LOVED the LAIR, where all the reptiles, bugs, and amphibians were at 

The gorillas were RIGHT there.  It was amazing.  They didn't do much, but it was still fun to see them so close


sweet little face enjoying his ice cream

Wesley looks crazy, but Chase is giving grandma a cute big smile 

1 comment:

aprilaleman said...

where is that nature area? I would love to go there too.