Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My squishies

 Chase - 2 years old
- He still loves to be cuddled.  He is so squishy - it is like hugging a big warm marshmallow.  If you haven't squeezed a Chase recently - you are missing out!  :-)  
-Loves watching the trash truck each week, and the driver always gives him a big wave
-He is talking more.  Still not a lot, but he tries so hard!  He is probably where he should be in terms of how many words he can say, but he doesn't speak sentences.  He LOVES talking to Grandma on the phone.  Many times his little lips are moving but no sound comes out! 
-He is starting to play on the piano with Wesley's piano teacher.  She spends like 2-3 minutes with him each lesson after she is done with Wesley.  He runs up to her when Wesley is done, and he gets soo excited to play. 
-He is so sweet.  One day after his nap I got a bloody nose (I get those a lot).  I ran to my bathroom, and poor little Chase was so worried.  He stayed by my side the whole time I was in the bathroom trying to get the bleeding to stop.  He wanted to give me a kiss better.  He is so considerate of others, and wants to give lots of kisses anytime someone has an "ouchie" 

Wesley - 4 years old
-A lady at the doctors office told Wesley that he must have been kissed by an angel when he was born to have gotten such pretty hair!  I thought that was really sweet.  
-He is doing very well at the piano.  He is making great progress from where he was months ago.  He is listening better, and his fingers are really improving.
-He is extremely inquisitive.  Questions are asked literally all day long.  He is really interested in rocks.  We went to the park, and he spend the whole time collecting different rocks.  He wants to know what all the rocks are made out of, and what they are called.  "Mommy - is this Granite?"  I'm glad I took some classes where I learned this so I can help him, but I still forgot a lot of it! Another big question I get is, "what is hair made out of?"  or "What are finger nails made out of?"  He also asks the silliest questions, "What happens if a bag guy turns into a kitty cat?"  Followed by loud fake laughing. 
-He loves playing outside, and he loves playing with his friends.
-He refers to Chase as "his baby" where ever we go.  "This is my baby Chase.  He is two.  I am one two three four!"
-He talks to anyone and everyone.  He is not shy at all, and loves to strike up conversation at the store, at the mall, at Disneyland, while I am in the bathroom, and so on :-)   
-He is sleeping all night in underwear with no accidents.  It took him 3.5 years to become potty trained, and another 5-6 months to become night time trained, and I am so proud of him!  For some kids, this is just a harder obstacle to overcome, and I am so glad he is doing so well! 

I did a photoshoot for a family in my ward, and so I took advantage of having my big backdrops up and I took some quick pictures of my kidos.  That is the nice thing about taking my own pictures - if the kids are cranky, I can just try again another day or time.  It took two days to get these pics.  The first day Chase just wanted to play on them. Wesley is my little model, and can produce some really great pictures in such a short time with very little prompting.  I might be biased, but he would make a cute model or tv star :-p  Chase is more camera shy, and I really have to work with him to get some smiles.  Luckily, I bribed him with some jelly beans and I was pleasantly surprised to get some cute smiles from him!   I might have to carry around candy at Disneyland to get some smiles!  :-) 

I love his cute little curled up toes, and his sweet baby hands that still have the baby chunk :-) 

sweet little lips :-) 

One of my most favorite pictures of the two of them

This is why it is so hard to get a good picture of both of them - they get so silly together.  I am really happy that they genuinely love each other and have fun together.  Wesley brings out the silly and goofy side of my normally more reserved Chase :-) 

1 comment:

aprilaleman said...

Peyton calls Jovie her baby too, and tells everyone this is my baby, Jovie. In fact, Wesley reminds me a lot of Peyton except she is not quite as thoughtful when it comes to nature. ;)