Friday, May 24, 2013

Disneyland #7 and #8

May 17th - This Friday we decided to go last minute mostly because we have been going every-week, and we were not able to go earlier on, so we decided to make a quick trip.  Unfortunately it was really crowded (it was the first time I have gone on a Friday - not doing that again anytime soon!).  We were stuck in the parking structure for a long time waiting to get in.  I kind of wanted to turn around and go back home, but since we were there I figured we had to spend a few hours there.  We went to California Adventure since we have not spent a lot of time there.  Unfortunately, with a small child, there are only so many rides that we all can go on.  Disneyland has a lot more rides that anyone can enjoy.  We went on the new Mater ride, the Ferris wheel, Little Mermaid (we Love that one!), carousel, and I think a few more.  It was the first time that I wasn't very thrilled to be there.  It was hot, the kids were fussy, and there were a lot of people.  

May 23rd - I really wanted to take Wesley to California Adventure alone so we could go on the bigger rides that Chase is too small to go on.  My mom watched Chase for me, and Wesley and I went on a fun date.  Wesley wore a cute race car outfit, and he got a lot of attention.  Usually the little girls get to dress up all cute, but it was fun to dress up Wesley! :-)  Today was probably was one of my most favorite trips along with the two times that family came with us.  We have been really waning to go on the new Radiator Springs racers, but that ride is CRAZY popular.  Even on a less busy day, the ride can be anywhere from a 60-90 minute wait.  That is way too long for me.  The fast pass line is usually 45 min, and many times you have to come back really late to go on the ride, or the fast passes are gone a few hours after the park openes.  I decided the only way to get on the ride was to be one of the first people in the park,  run to the fast pass machine, and get a ticket so the return time would only be and hour or so away.  We had to wake up really early (I woke up at 5:45am).  We got to the park over an hour before it opened.  We got an amazing parking spot, and were one of the first in line waiting to get in.  We had to wait a while, but Wesley did great.  They let us in the park early, but we were only allowed in so far until the park officially opened.   We got in line for the fast pass, but we had to wait 15 min for the park to open.  After getting the pass, we went to Soaring over California.  That is another popular ride with long lines, but since everyone was making a mad dash to Cars land, we were one of the first to go on that ride.  We went on a few other rides until our time was up to go on the new Cars ride!!  :-)  I didn't realize how fast it went, and Wesley got a little scared, but it was really fun!  We walked around and I wanted to make sure we went on all the rides that normally we can't go on with sweet little Chase, and of course we went on some of Wesley's favorites too like Monster Inc, and Little Mermaid (we went twice).  We went on Toy Story Mania for the first time, and that was soooo fun!  Wesley just had a blast.  If the line wasn't so long, we would have gone on that again too!  We saw the Aladdin show.  I love that Wesley is old enough to sit still (for the most part), and be able to wait in line for rides, or in a theater for a show to start.  I think Wesley really enjoyed the show.  We also went to Turtle talk, where an animated Crush on a movie screen from Finding Nemo talks to the audience.  This was our third time going, becuase Wesley really wants to talk to Crush, but he never picks on him from the audience.  This time I got some tips on where to sit for the greatest chance of being picked.  It worked, and my cute little guy got picked!  Crush called him "Wipeout Wesley"  Wesley got to ask him any question, and he asked, "How do Turtles breath underwater?"  It was really cute, and I'm so glad he finally got picked to talk to Crush.  I was pretty excited for him.   Towards the end, I really wanted to stay for the Parade, because Wesley had such a good time at the Disneyland parade, I knew he would like this one (I felt bad that Chase wasn't there though, because I knew he would have liked this too).  We walked around for a while because we still had like an hour and a hlaf to wait, and we already went on all the rides we wanted to go on.  I went and got ice cream and found a nice shady place to sit to wait for the parade.  Unfortunately, Wesley was exhausted and fell asleep in his stroller.  I woke him up right before the parade though, because I knew he would have been sad to miss it (plus we waited so long for it, I wasn't going to let him miss it!)   It really was a fun date, and it is nice to be able to take one boy out at a time, so I can let them know how much I appreciate them and love them, and hopefully help them feel how special they are!  Wesley told me he had so much fun, but confessed in the car on the way home that, "I miss Chase.  I love him."  Sweet little guy :-)

 Pics from 5/17:

cute Mater/tractor ride

Chase asks to go on the carousel every time

Pics from 5/23:

This is what it looks like when you are one of the first to enter the park!  (too bad it only looks like this for a second before everyone comes running in!)  :-) 


I look a little scared - I didn't realize it went quite so fast!  It was really fun though

I treated him to lunch at flo's V8 cafe.  His lunch even came in a cute lightning McQueen lunch pail, and we had a pretty awesome view!  :-) 

he was getting hot in his racing suit, so we changed into something cooler. 

having fun on the wilderness trail

yummy ice cream!  :-) 

waving at all the characters.  He just lit up anytime someone new came by.  All the people around us were getting a kick out of his excitement. 

I tried to capture his face anytime a new float when by. 

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