Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Playing with the airplane with Daddy one evening.  It was so cute to watch all three of them enjoying something as simple as a Styrofoam toy :-) 

This is Chase's favorite position.   He is such a cuddle bug, and just wants to be held tight.  He had to get allergy tested today, and they had to prick his back.  He got to sit like this on me without his shirt, and he didn't even wiggle, fuss, or complain.  He felt secure, and safe and the nurse couldn't believe that he didn't even seem to notice them poking his back.  I love having my cuddle time with Chase each day, and I know he is growing so fast.  I try to enjoy each cuddle, because I just don't know if it will be my last.  Even though I'm pretty sure he will want to be cuddled until he is a lot older, I just don't know for sure and one day he might decide he is too old for that!  

 A month and a half ago we went on a hike around Brea Canyon.  It was kind of warm, and we made the mistake of not bringing the stroller.  Chase didn't do so well, and we didn't make it very far.  Wesley did great, and had fun observing  nature, and trying to spot wildlife.  Jason had to carry Chase back kicking and screaming.  He wanted me to hold him, but we had already walked a good distance, and I just physically could not carry him the whole way.  He finally calmed down near the end, but we learned our lesson - no more hiking with Chase unless we have a stroller! 
He was pretty excited and full of energy for the first 10 min! 

trying to keep up with the older boys

being carried by Daddy on the way back 

no caption needed :-) 

Kissy lips - he gives the best kisses with those cute lips! 

A few months ago I sprinkled a bunch of wildflower seeds in my garden in front of my home.  For a while, it was really ugly and looked like a bunch of weeds growing.   Patience paid off though, and for the last month we have enjoyed watching all the different flower bloom and come to life.  Wesley and I love going outside each day to see what new flowers have popped up.  They are all so pretty, and they are all so happy!   It amazes me that all these flowers started off as a small seed - which all looked very similar.  They all got the same water, the same nutrients, and the same air.  They all grew in the exact same soil, however, each one looks and smells completely different.  They each have their own color, and own textures. It amazes me that they are able to produce such different and vibrant colors from the same soil.  We all grow in the same garden of life.  Yes, we all have different experiences - some of use are grown on more rocky soil, and some of us get a little more love.  We are all essentially made up of the same things though - we all came from the dirt, and yet, just like flowers, we are all so different.  I love it! 

these ones my grandma gave me years ago as a bulb

Wesley holding a snail, and Chase actually giving me a big sweet smile! 

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I love your flower pictures! We have the same styrofome airplane and love it too! I think Ryan likes it as much as Elijah (: