Thursday, April 25, 2013

Disneyland #3

#3 - April 15th

-We decided to go to California Adventure today.  It was surprisingly busy, and I was not very excited about all the crowds.  It was raining that morning, and I didn't have an umbrella.  The rain cleared mid morning, but some rides were a little wet.  The Bugs land was fairly empty, but Car's Land was BUSY.  We waited a long time to go on the two rides that Chase could go on.  I was tired, and Chase was grumpy.  He only wanted to be held in line, and his 30 lb body gets heavy!!  I didn't bring lunch, but I brought a lot of snacks.  It was still overcast, and we sat by the pier.  It was empty over there!  A water show was going to start in 10 minutes, so we sat and ate our snacks and waited.  No one showed up but us!!  Goofy came walking by, and took his place on a platform right behind us to direct the music for the water show.  It was really cute.  By now more people gathered.  We got to watch the show for a few minutes.  We then went on more rides.  The Litter Mermaid ride was SOOO cute.  One of my new favorites.  We went and saw a few shows - Turtle Talk, and Disney Jr Live on stage.  Both really cute.  Wesley was devastated that Crush didn't talk to him in Turtle Talk.  We will have to go again.  We sat in the Animation Studio room for a while waiting for one of the shows.  It was amazing in there, and the boys loved watching all the cartoons.  The crowds were wearing on me, and by 2 or 3 pm I was ready to go home.  We left California Adventure, and I was going to go home but Wesley begged me to go on "Its a Small World" which is all the way in the back of Disneyland.  I was hot and tired, but I agreed to it, and we headed towards Disneyland.  Wesley fell asleep by the time we got half way through the park.  I decided to stay for dinner so we would miss the rush hour traffic.  Chase and I ate pizza at the pizza port and waited for a while.  We then woke Wesley up and went on a few more rides.  Chase had a blow out diaper in line for Alice in Wonderland.  We went on the ride anyways - I had to wait 20 min, I didn't want to miss it!  :-)  We then cleaned him up, went on Its a Small world, and were going to head home.  I noticed people were lining up for the parade.  I wanted to beat the rush of people leaving after the parade, but I knew Wesley would love it.  We sat down in the very front of Disneyland by the entrance on Main street (the end of the parade), and ate more snacks and just enjoyed ourselves.  We had to wait for about 40 minutes, but it was worth it.  Wesley was probably the most excited little boy at the parade, no joke.  When he gets excited, everyone who is in ear shot knows it!  He would loudly exclaim as he shook in excitement, "LOOK!!!!  MICKEY AND DONALD!!!"  Or "WOW!!!!  The princess from the MOVIE!!!!"  He yelled in excitement each and every time a new float or person went by.  You could tell Chase loved it too, but he displays his excitement in a much quieter manner!  :-)  After, we ran out to beat the rush.  We didn't get home until 8:30 or 9, but it was so worth it!  Lots of fun!  Jason was traveling, so I was not too worried about being home so late. We sure miss Daddy, but we are so grateful that he has a good job, and that we are so blessed to be able to have so much fun at Disneyland for a whole year!!  :-) 

Eating our snacks on the pier waiting for the water show! 

I love that he gives every character a hug :-) 

He has to make sure everyone around him is just as excited about the parade as he is! 

I wish I could have captured his facial expressions 

Chase is in awe

Waving at all the characters in the parade 

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