Thursday, April 25, 2013

Disneyland #4

#4 - April 24th

I knew I was only going to stay a few hours today.  It was my grandma's birthday so we wanted to be home in time for her party that evening.  There were a few rides we still did not manage to go on, even after 3 visits already so we just wanted to go on those today.  Wesley and Chase are so excited to go now, and even little Chase yells a loud, "MEEEEEE!!!!"  when I ask, "who wants to go to Disneyland?!"  Today we arrived almost an hour before park opening, so we walked around the World of Disney store.  I bought Wesley mickey ears (Chase told me he didn't want any).  We were able to get into Disneyland 15 minutes early.  We waited in line to say hi to Pinocchio, but he had to leave for break before we could take a picture with him, and Wesley was devastated.  He started crying and was sooo upset.  Not a great way to start the day!  We headed for the Peter Pan ride since that rides gets busy fast.  We then went to the Tiki Room.  Wesley was in heaven.  He LOVED all the outdoor tiki men, and was screaming with delight each time one would talk.  Everyone was having fun watching Wesley get so excited with just the outside decorations.  Inside the tiki room, he was so excited that his heart was pounding.  Anyone who knows Wesley, knows how excited he gets over the little things.  He would point and exclaim "THAT BIRD IS SINGING!!"  "WOW, LOOK AT THE FLOWERS!!"  I was worried he was disturbing everyone, but there were not a lot of people in the room, and those around us were just getting a kick out of his youthful zeal towards everything.   We then enjoyed a Dole whip float - I have never had one, and I figured I needed to try one at least once.  It was a cold day, and I didn't bring a jacket.  I would MUCH rather have cold then hot, so I am not complaining.  I just never seem to be prepared! ha ha ha.  We brought our own lunch again, and ate outside a little restaurant across from the river, and next to pirates and adventure land.  It was completely empty, and we got to watch the mark twain river boat pass by.  It was so nice and relaxing.  We headed home by 3:00.  I got lost coming home because I was in a different parking lot than normal, and turned down the wrong street.   I tend to panic when lost, and I was frustrated.  I finally found some guys, and they helped me find the right freeway.  Other than that, we had a blast! I am so excited to go again!!  :-)

*Be sure to scroll down the blog to see the other post's about Disneyland if you missed it!  

one of my favorite pictures at Disneyland so far

So excited to go to Disneyland!  We got there so early, there were not many people on the tram

He really wanted the "Fantasia" hat.  He loves that movie. 

One of the best things about Disneyland in the spring is all the baby ducks.  The are ALL over.  I LOVE it!!  I can't image having to take care of 12 kids at Disneyland!
Mr. Tiki

Amazed with all the Tiki men

Jungle cruise!

I will get pictures of Chase one way or another!  :-) 

Eating lunch!  See how empty this seating area was?! 

waiting in line for the rockets

Wesley was so excited to see that Pinocchio was back right before we went home! 

I think this was taken on a different day, but it still makes me laugh.  Prof that we, errr, uh, that I went on the Buzz Lightyear ride...

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