Sunday, February 3, 2013


I am blessed that my boys go to bed so well without much fuss.  I usually put Chase down first, and then let Wesley stay up for a little while longer until Chase is asleep, and then I put him to bed.  This works really well, but we often miss some of the special moments that we used to have when I would put Wesley down while Chase slept in my room.  Now his room is dark, and we have to try to be really quiet to not wake Chase.  Wesley is so cute, and has mastered the tiptoe, the whisper, and the' lay as still as possible so I don't make the bed creak and wake the baby' move.  Recently, I have realized it is important to make Wesley feel important, and one way is to continue on with bedtimes traditions, even while Chase is sleeping the dark next to us.  We usually always read a book, but we usually have the boys pick out one, and then we read them in the living room.  Once in a while I will read in their room, but it is not as comfortable, so Jason and I prefer the couch.  Once in bed, we have prayers, and Wesley's favorite moment - the singing of the goodnight song.  If you have ever seen Three Men and a Little Baby, you will know the song.  "Goodnight sweetheart,'s time to go, da da da da (I gently tap his nose during that part), Goodnight sweetheart,'s time to go, da da da da, I hate to leave you, but I really must say...Good night sweet heart, gooooood niiiiight!!"  As I quietly sing, I rub my hand over his face and nose, and he gets the cutest grin.  One night he was up kind of late, and I was in the middle of watching a show.  I had Jason put him to bed so I could finish.  After, I felt really bad that I was selfish enough to skip out on singing the Good night song to my little guy so I could watch a show.  I went to the boy's room, and slowly opened the door.  Wesley saw me and got the biggest, sweetest smile and it melted my heart.  I told him I needed to sing the goodnight song, and he just smiled.  For a boy who always has a million things to say, he just sat and smiled, while was worth more that any words.  I sang his song, and as I rubbed my hands on his head, he tried to rub his hands on mine.  He then grabbed my arms, and kissed them.  He asked, "mommy - you hate to leave me?  It makes you sad to leave me at night?!"  I was a little taken back that he actually listens to the words and understands what they mean.  He then asked, "but, in the morning you are happy again, because you get to see me again, right?" I told him he was exactly right.  After, he said, "Mommy - you know what?  I love you!"  I am telling you - after all the messes; after all the talking back and craziness and timeouts from the day - moments like that make it all worth it.  Wesley is always so hyper and busy and loud and outspoken, but it is in those quiet moments that my heart swells with so much joy for my little guy. 

Tonight, I put the boys to bed at the same time.  They both had nice clean sheets and fresh pillow cases.  Wesley had his froggy, and his new build a bear friend, "Furry."  Chase had his pacifier, and his blankie..   I was able to read them both a story while they were in their beds, say a prayer, and then I sang the song twice - once for Wesley, and once for Chase.  I have never sang the song to Chase - normally I just cuddle with him for  a little bit before bed.  However, he loved it, and giggled as I rubbed my hands over his face.  I then gave them kisses, and left.  Chase cried for 15 seconds after I closed the door, but after that it was silent, and they were both asleep within minutes.  It is a great feeling to know that my boys are happy and healthy, and dreaming away in a good home in a wonderful country.  So many parents have to watch their kids sleep in the cold on a dirty floor with a hungry tummy.  Many have diseases, and are dying.  Some are scared of being killed at night from war.    I can't imagine.  I just can't even fathom what so many people have to go through.  I am very grateful.  

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