Friday, February 1, 2013

My Little Scientist

Wesley has always had a strong desire to learn about the world and how things work.  I love his little inquisitive mind.  It is important to teach him while he is still young and excited to learn. I try to do some sort of "experiment"  with him once a week or so, even if something really small.  He will often ask, "Can we do the color experiment?"  or, "Can I be a scientist?!"  Even when we are not doing a formal experiment, he is always experimenting with things.  He likes to mix water in the cups in the table.  He likes to put his coins in water to see if they will float or sink.  He likes to make big messes to see what will happen!   I don't know how much he actually learns for these things, but it is a fun opportunity to spend some time with my sweet boy, and I know he really enjoys being a scientist!  :-p 

Here are some fun things we have done over the past few months.  A few of these experiments are from a science kit Jason bought for cheep at a thrift store. 

Growing crystals.  I didn't realize strong chemicals were used in this experiment, so I did most of the work. 

 Painting an Earth and moon model. 

Playing with corn starch and water, or  "slime" 


 Balls in a box.  Easy and fun!  :-) 

 Baking soda and colored vinegar water

 Clear Finger paints on color wonder paper.  More of an art project, but still fun!  :-) 

 Dancing and playing in the rain! 

Observing the wet leaves in the rain

Foam capsules in warm water.  They have packs of them at the dollar store.  Wesley loves watching the little sponges pop out of their capsule.  This was a great bribe while potty training!

Volcano time!!!  

I loved how amazed he gets at everything

Experiment mixing different colors, including milk.  This helps to teach how different colors are made.  Wesley loved this one, and wants to do it all the time.  

That look of absolute awe never gets old! 

Even while cooking there are opportunities to teach about science!
I love those eye balls!  ha ha ha

 Science in the bathtub with colored soap!! 

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