Thursday, October 11, 2012

One big huge random post

 I love Autumn.  On the first day of Fall we celebrated by lighting yummy pumpkin spice and apple candles, making banana bread, and putting all our fall and Halloween decorations up.  It makes me really happy.  I love this time of year...there is just something about the changing leaves, the cooler weather, and the smells that brings a lot of joy!  Wesley was talking to my mom on the phone, and was telling her that we put up some spooky Halloween decorations.  My Mom said, "Oh, ya?!  Are they scary?!"  W: "No Grandma!!  They are just pretend!!"  He enjoys seeing all the decorations up, and asked every day if it is Halloween yet.  He proudly tells anyone who asks that he will be a rocket this year!! 

We have also done a lot of fun, non-fall activities.  At the Bass Pro shop, they had some fun free activities for kids, and one of them was treasure hunting with a metal detector.  It was too big for his little arms to be able to hold, but Daddy held it, and he got to dig for treasure.  We are thinking of getting him a small one for Christmas since he is the biggest treasure hunting three year old I have ever met!  Chase of course enjoyed sitting in all the off-roading vehicles! 

Chase HAS to be holding on to clothing, or a blanket, or some kind of fabric in order to sleep.  He rubs his little fingers over the cloth, and it really soothes him.  Jason always laughs because he likes to stick his hand down my shirt to feel for my silky undies (TMI, I know, ha ha ha).  He literally can't go to sleep without holding on to something.  He fell asleep on Jason's lap, and I took this quick picture of his cute little hand holding onto Jason's shirt.  

My cute boys love watching the trash truck come and pick up our garbage.  We usually try to run out and wave to him, and he usually excitedly waves back.  

Wesley is not doing quite as well as I would have hoped with his Piano lessons.  Dont get me wrong, he is learning very quickly, and picks things up with very little effort.  However, he gets board rather easily, and often doesn't want to listen to his teacher, or practice.  I think the class is very good for him though, and his teacher is very patient with my little strong willed three year old.  

Most people that only see Chase at church, or at the store assume that he is a very serious, quiet,  and mellow little guy.  While he is definitely a lot quieter and more reserved than Wesley, he does have a very silly side to him.  He makes very funny expressions, and loves waving to people.  He smiles really big and squints his eyes and excitedly waves his little hand at anyone near him.  He loves to make silly sounds, and is very easy to get giggling.  He is very ticklish, and finds very simple things funny.  His laugh beings a lot of joy to our home. 

Chase found Wesley's treasures while Wesley was taking a nap.  He had fun playing with them while he could, because when Wesley is awake, Wesley won't let him touch his prized possession! 

his goofy wave! 

It is never to early to have your kids start helping with chores!!  :-)

Chase was having fun walking around with a bucket on his head.  He was banging into doors, but he was having a good 'ol time.  Wesley was laughing at him, and I think that kept Chase going.  They love making each other laugh. 

I had my 10 year reunion a month ago.  My best friend talked me into going, and  I went with another good girl friend as my date so Jason could stay home and watch the kids.  It was a fun night out with my gal pals.   There were not a lot of people there that I knew, or that I necessarily wanted to talk to or keep in touch with.  However, I had a lot of fun with my best friends (who I still keep in contact with anyways), and it was an enjoyable evening. 

 I found a recipe for whole wheat creeps, and we have been enjoying them with nutella and strawberries.  They really are absolutely delicious, and very easy to make.  We are incorporating more whole and natural foods into our diets, and are trying to eat less proceeded foods.  I also discovered an amazing waffle recipe that includes whole wheat, flax seed, oatmeal, and apple sauce.  We put a little bit of pure maple syrup on it, and it is divine!   It is very tasty, and the kids love it.  We just freeze any extras, and they can be placed in a toaster like an eggo, and make a very easy breakfast!  If anyone is interested in the recipe, let me know and I will send it your way! 

Chase loves the creeps!!!

Wesley loves playing with the lizards in the backyard.  Jason is really good at catching them, and Wesley loves to hold them.  They often crawl all over him (I would freak out if a lizard crawled all over my body!).  One lizard was very smart, and it hid on Wesley's back.  I was giggling as Wesley kept saying, "Where did my lizard go?  I can't find him!!" 

SO, since my profile is private, I am allowed to post pictures like this, lol.  I was getting Chase and Wesley ready for their bath, and I had to deal with Wesley for some reason and Chase escaped into the living room.  I found him a minute later mowing the "lawn" in his birthday suit.  I love how pure and innocent babies are.  Clothing, or naked, it is all the same.  My room could have been filled with tons of strangers, and he would be just as comfortable walking around like that. 

I can squish that little guy all day.  He is just so cuddly. 

His favorite spot is being cuddled up on my shoulder.  I'm glad that he still wants to cuddle at 17 months old.

At least they are putting the paper to good use. 

My two cute squishies.  It is so hard getting a good picture of the two of them.  I am lucky to get them both smiling and sitting next to each other without wiggling and giggling, or poking and crying.  Have you noticed the nice pictures with my DSLR have diminished, and most of my posts are of quick ones taken with my point and shoot?  I need to start doing planned shoots again and I need to start doing photography more. I was so busy with it for a while, but after I had Chase I have taken a big break.   Anyways, I love my boys...and it is fun to dress them alike.  They are almost the same size too!  :-) 


aprilaleman said...

Your boys are so cute, yet so different looking... it cracks me up. And I would love that recipe.

Chelsea said...

I'd love those recipes, they sound delicious! I also love that picture of wesley with the lizard on his back, that's great! What cute kiddos!