Sunday, October 7, 2012

The good 'ol fair

It is always fun to make time to go to the county fair.  We are lucky to live in an area that has so many county fairs within an hour or so away.  A few months back Jason came with us to the Orange County fair, and a few weeks ago my parents joined the boys and myself at the LA county fair.  We were a little worried that we would all melt in the almost 100 degree heat, but we stayed inside the exhibits when we started to overheat, and did surprisingly well when we were outside.  Wesley loves rides, and really wanted to go on some of them.  I always have a hard time paying money to go on rides at the fair....for the same price it costs to go on a handful of them, one could buy a ticket to a nice amusement park.  However, I know it is important to create long lasting memories in his childhood (plus I got into the fair for almost free), so I bought $10 worth of tickets, and he was able to go on four rides.   He loved it, and it is nice to see my little guy enjoying himself.  Chase also go to have a little bit of fun.  He is too short for any rides, but the fair did have a motocross museum for $1 per adult.  Normally, I would have little to no desire to go in such a museum, but Chase loves cars and I knew he would enjoy it.  I actually enjoyed it too (the cold AC was a big bonus!)  We also enjoyed petting animals, and my favorites are the craft exhibits, and the outdoor and floral exhibits. Instead of buying expensive and greasy fair food for dinner, we went to Legends (a cute 50's style fast food restaurant) after the fair.  The boys fell asleep in the car on the way there, and we just loaded them in the stroller, and had a nice quiet dinner  :-) 

I always think of Chase as my little baby, but then I see pictures like this and realize he is becoming a little boy! 

Wesley has recently started enjoying watching old (and some new) cartoons of The Avengers. There was a cute exhibit with all the characters, and Wesley had fun trying to pose like them. 

This was his super hero face :-) 

Chase and Papa with all the shiny cars

I was worried how he would do alone on the roller coaster (they wouldn't let me on without a ticket), but he did great and really enjoyed it. 

Since Wesley couldn't spin the tea cups himself, the operator was nice enough to let me on with him. 

Fun light up piano in the music exhibit.  The boys loved it!

Wiped out after a long day! 

We got some mardi-gras beads after a parade at the fair, and Chase has to wear them all day.  He loves necklaces and other objects that he can put around his neck. 


aprilaleman said...

I'm soooo bummed I missed it.

Chelsea said...

How fun! I wish we had a fair closer to us!