Sunday, September 23, 2012


-The other night I was putting Wesley to bed, and I was knelling down next to his bed like every night to sing a good night song and say prayers.   I was about to get up when he started talking.  He started talking about bugs.  I really wish I wrote this down that night, because I have forgotten a lot of what he said.  He basically was going on and on about bugs, and about a dream he had with the Hulk, and something about the church, and families.  Basically, I tried to get up quite a few times and he would tell me, "Mommy!!  I am not done with all my words!!"  I eventually laid down on the floor, and just listened to his elaborate story that lasted about 10 minutes.  I finally had to end it so he could go to bed.  This little boy will talk and talk to anyone who will listen!!  :-)  It amazes me that in just 3 and a half short years, a brand new infant grows enough, and learns enough to be able to communicate in such an amazing way!

-We have started taking Wesley to piano/music lessons.  Since we are not planning on enrolling him in preschool (we will see how I feel next year), we decided it would be good for him to have a little bit of structure in a learning environment.  He is very interested in music, and both the teacher and Jason and I thought it would be good to start him young since he picks up on things so quickly.  He is doing well, but he is very stubborn and strong willed.  If she tries to get him to do something he doesn't want to, he puts up a bit of a fuss.  He is not used to listening to a teacher figure much, so it will be good for him to learn to listen.  Anyways, at the second lesson as we were about to go home he looks up at her and asks, "What are those nodules on your cheeks?"  He points to her wrinkles, and she says, "I dont know, wrinkles?  I am just old!"  He says, "Oh ya, I have wrinkles too sometimes!"  Ya, what a way to make an impression!  Ha!! 

-One morning Wesley was nauseous, and didn't feel well.  I asked him why he was sick, and he said, "Because I have too many blessings!" 

-Chase opened the sliding screen door to the back yard, and I asked him to close it.  He tried, but it is kind of hard to slide.  Wesley jumps up and says, " I will help you Chase!!  I can do it for you!!"  That moment really touched me.  Wesley and Chase fight over toys and things often throughout the day.  I get frustrated, and I know they are brothers who are close in age, and they will be like this most of their lives. I often wonder why Wesley gets so frustrated with his little brother.  However, it is times like this that I know that Wesley really does love Chase, and really does have care and concern for him.  Another example happened a few days ago.  We were at the store, and both the boys did really well, and were so well behaved for me.  We got to the line, and I saw some .33 cent lolly pops at the register.  I let each boy pick one out.  When we got to the car, I opened Wesley's for him, but Chase was having so much fun just holding it like a wand, that I didn't bother to unwrap his.  We started driving, and Wesley was really worried about Chase, even though he was happy.  "Mommy!! You forgot to open Chase's candy!!  Mommy, can you open it for Chase!!"  me, "Ok honey, sure."  I hand it back to Chase, but he continues to just hold it.  W; "Mommy!!  Can you take Chase's pacifier out of his mouth, so he can eat his candy??!!"   

-Wesley has been really funny about time.  It is hard to teach a three year old the difference between a week, a month, a year, and so on.  He knows we do different things on different days, like on Sunday we go to church, and on Monday and Thursday we go to Piano Lessons, and so on.  He will often ask what day it is, and what we do on that particular day.  He will try to incorporate time into his stories.  me, "Wesley, when will you go poo poo on the toilet?!"  W: "When it gets dark, ok Mommy!"  or, "Next Sunday.  Not today, but in a week."  me, "Wesley, will you please finish your dinner?"  W: "later, maybe on Tuesday!" m: "Wesley, please put your toys away"  W; "no, not right now.  See, I'm laying on the couch, I am tired.  Later, mommy, I will do it tomorrow when it is light."   He constantly tells me about things he did "yesterday."  Yesterday can be anything he did an hour ago, to a month ago.  "Yesterday I was little, but today I am big!" 

-Any time we go for a walk, Wesley's mind is running a millions miles an hour.  I sometimes try to wear head phones so I can enjoy my music, and have a little break,  but most of the time I have to pause the music over and over to answer Wesley's questions.  Its not that I dont want to talk with my sweet boy...I do!!  But you know...he is literally talking all day, and I am answering his questions all it is nice to have a few minutes of music :-)  One of our conversations went something like this, "Mommy, do palm trees love the beach?"  me, "Well, they are often seen at the beach, so I guess so"  W; "what is a palm tree?"  me, "a monocot"  W; "what is a monocot?"  me, "Um, I dont remember is something I learned in school a while ago"  W;" what is a plant?"  me, "an organism that produces its own food through photosynthesis"  w: "oh! (in his high pitched excited voice!" We then talked about photosynthesis a little bit.  Trust me, most of our conversations are not this nerdy, but it amazes me how much he wants to learn about the world.  He wants to know what kind of clouds are in the sky, and if they will make rain.  He wants to know what is inside a fire hydrant.  He wants to know where food goes, and so on. 

-We were talking about different sounds that animals make and I asked Wesley "what sound does a Wesley make?"  He thought about it and said, "TALK TALK TALK TALK!!"  Ha ha ha, I laughed at that one!  me, "Ha!  Yes, you are right, what sound does a Chase make?"  W; "WAA WAA WAA!"  me, "A Mommy?"  "TALK TALK TALK"  "A Daddy?"  "SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP!" 

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