Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Cute Boys

I won a free picture session at a new photography studio that opened up in a vintage baby store.  Normally I do all my kids' pictures myself, but I couldn't pass up a free session!  This was the first time in a "real" studio.  I have backdrops and stuff, but my prop collection is still pretty tiny in comparison.  The photographer tried really hard to get them to smile.  Wesley thought she was hilarious, but Chase didn't want to give her a smile for anything.  I love this picture though.  It is so them!  My silly Wesley, and my serious and shy Chase.  Chase does have a very cute and silly side to  him, but he is usually more reserved in front of other people he doesn't know. 


   Recently Wesley has been very interested in gardening, and planting seeds.  He has to know what kinds of plants grow from every seed he finds.  He asks me if he can plant his seeds so his plants will grow.   We recently planted cucumber seeds, and we have enjoyed watching them sprout up.  Wesley asks me each day if he can pick his cucumbers yet. Maybe he will have a green thumb like his great grandma.
    He is also very observant.   He will often ask me complex questions, or if I say a word that he does not know...he will interrogate me until I give him an answer that he is happy with.  Some words I use everyday, but I really have to think hard how to explain them to a three year old.  Or, he will stop every few sentences when he is making a point, to make sure I agree with him.  We were taking a walk and there was trash in someone's yard.  W: "Mommy...our neighbor needs to pick up that piece of trash, huh Mommy, HUH?"  Me, "Yes, littering is not a good thing to do for the environment!"  W: "yes, then someone else will have to pick it up.  And that will be nice of them to do that, but littering is not a good thing to do! Huh?!"  He has also learned how to argue.  He was playing with one of his famous collections, and some of the pieces were sharp screws.  I took them away and he was very upset.  I told him they might poke someone, and that Mommy didn't want them in his collection.  He tried to argue and insisted that he wouldn't poke anyone.  "It wont hurt anyone!!! Its not!!"  me, "it might!"  W;" No!!  Its NOT!" 
   He is very considerate of others.  In the morning, if he walks in my room and I am still sleeping (or pretending, ha ha ha), he will walk out without waking me up.  If Chase is in there, and if he happens to wake him up, he will say, "I'm sorry for waking Chase up, Mommy!"  If he finds out one of us is hurt, he will kiss it better, and very sadly say, "I dont want Chase (or Mommy) to be sad (or hurt)!" One afternoon I had just put Chase down, and about 10 minutes later he started crying.  I didn't want to get him because I knew he would just fall back asleep.  However, Wesley walks over and loudly opens the door.  I kind of frustratingly say, "Wesley!!! NOO!  Chase is trying to sleep!  Close the door please!!"  Wesley then starts crying, "But Mommy!!!  I wanted to see if Chase was ok!! He is crying and I need to see if he is ok!!"  I felt soooo bad for snapping at my sweet Wesley when all he wanted to do was make sure his brother was ok!! 

  Everywhere we go people are constantly asking about Wesley's hair.  Some people even pet it, and touch it.  I used to like the attention, but people get a little too personal now and it bothers me more.  Some take pictures.  Some ask if he and Chase are biological brothers, and almost everyone asks, "Where does he get the red hair from?!"  I usually just keep it short, sweet and to the point by simply saying, "Family!"  Some people leave it at that, but others are not happy with that answer.  They will say, "Well, does the Dad have red hair?  What about grandmas?"  Then, some will tell me stories about all the red heads in their family and all the parts of the world they come from.  A lot of older  men will say, "hi carrot top!"  or "hello there red!"  A lot of older women will say "You can never get that color from a bottle!"  I have had a lot of people even ask if his hair was natural.  Why yes, I do die my three year old's hair.  The secret is out!! Lol  It will be interesting to see how he deals with the attention when he is older.  Luckily, he seems to have an outgoing personality, and I hope he will love the attention rather than hate it.  Or, I hope Chase doesn't feel left out that everyone dotes on his brother's hair, and no one says anything about his.  We will see!  I love his red hair.  It fits his personality soooo well.  :-) 

My sweet Chase is growing so fast.  He is 16 months old, and such a sweet heart. He is just so squish-ably cute.  He has the cutest, biggest, Angelina jolie lips.  Today at my parent's house, he went over to his high chair, and pointed to it, and looked at us, and reached up to it to indicate he wanted to sit in it because he was hungry.  We sat him down, and immediately he folded his arms and looked at us waiting for us to pray.  So sweet.  He is learning about the world so fast.  He still seems like such a baby to me, and yet, he is technically turning into a little toddler.  Wesley seemed older at this stage.  Maybe it was because he was my first, so I didn't have an older sibling to compare him too.  Maybe he was just more independent.  Chase still has the cute baby wobble when he walks, and still uses a pacifier (however, he seems to be showing less interest in it during the day).  He still has his baby chub, and still has the cute baby babble-y voice.  I just want to kiss him and squeeze him all day.  He loves just cuddling up to me, and loves to be squeezed!!  He is very interested in animal books, and still loves anything that has to do with cars.  He makes cute facial expressions to help me know what he wants.  He will open his eyes really wide when surprised.  He likes to ball his hands in a fist and pucker up and make a sour face if he eats anything slightly warm, or slightly cold, or slightly sour.  Then, of course we laugh, and so he does it again.  He is my little mess maker.  He loves to go through my purse, and pull all the contents out.  I often have to go on a treasure hunt for my wallet (and all the cards in there too), my keys, my phone, and so on.  He likes to pull all the brushes out my drawer in the bathroom, and pretend to brush his hair.  He is a great communicator.  Not with words, but with noises and gestures.  If he wants to go somewhere, he brings me his shoes, or bangs on the door.  If he wants to eat, he goes over to his high chair and gestures, "up!" Or, he will bring me the food he wants to eat, and will sign "please."  If he wants to drink, he will bring me his cup and sign "more."  If he wants to read a book, he will bring me his book, and sit on my lap.  If he wants a toy, he will point to it, and sign please.  If he want to get my attention, he will poke my arm while saying, "Maaa maaa!"  until I look at him! I can ask him a question, and if he wants it he will say, "gaaa!"  while signing please.   If he wants to love me, he will grab my face, and give me a big, open mouthed kiss and say, "Muuahh!"  Those are the best kind!!  :-)  I am enjoying this stage he is in.  He is still such a baby, but he is starting to explore the world more, and he plays with Wesley a lot more.  He is so affectionate, and just soo darn sweet. 

Life with my two crazy, sweet, and adventurous boys is very exciting, extremely tiring, and eternally rewarding!

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