Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Summer fun

Summers are always a little hard for me.  I dont do well in the heat, but keeping the AC on all day creates an expensive electric bill.  Also, the boys get so crazy being inside the house all day, but I dread getting into the sweltering car to go anywhere.  We have walked around the mall and other stores, played at the splash pad, visited grandma's house, gone swimming, and gone to the park (but even that gets too hot).   However, sometimes the most fun can be found in one's own backyard.  A month ago I bought a slip and slide on clearance, and Jennifer picked up some cheep cans of shaving cream.  The kids (and myself might I add) had a blast!  Everyone smelled so good after too..a win win!!  Also, another fun and easy activity is letting the kids play in the water table.  They are often in their clothing when this happens which makes for more challenging clean up, but those sweet smiles make it worth it.   Even regular sprinklers bring squeals of great joy.  As hot and miserable summer may often seem, I know a great deal of childhood memories are born during this season, and I am trying to embrace all the goodness that it does offer.  :-)

Chase loves playing in the sprinkles that shoot out of the slip n slide

One of the benefits of a DSLR camera is the fast shutter speed that can capture some funny faces! 

Jennifer helped Leah slide since she couldn't really do it on her own too well

Owen with horns! 

Lily just wanted to drink the water! 

I love those cute thunder thighs!! 

more awesome faces

AND more faces! 

And what is summer without sharing a Popsicle with your best friend?! 

My cute messy boy in a swim diaper :-p 

I found the ABC's written out in chalk in the back yard.  Yes, my 3 year old can write his alphabet, but he still has a hard time going potty on the toilet.  Ya, I am still trying to figure that out too... 

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