Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Daisy Dog

Here is the short story....

So, there was a really cute puppy someone was giving away that we were sooo close to taking home.  She just wasn't the right match for us though (to Wesley's dismay).  The next day we went to the animal shelter "just to look."  There was a really cute puppy I wanted, but she wasn't available yet, and there was a long waiting list for her.  In the next kennel was an older beagle.  She was so calm and sweet.  Jason wanted to look at her, so we took her in the observation area, and she seemed to have a lot of energy, and did well with the boys.  I didn't need any convincing...I love cute fluffy animals :-)  Jason was on board with getting a dog, and after talking it over for a little while, we decided to bring her home!  She ended up being free because an outside company was sponsoring her, and paid all her adoption fees for us.  She was already spayed, so we ended up getting the $99 back that we had paid to get that procedure done.  She has now been in our home for almost 2 months.  She is a very sweet dog, and still does great with the boys even though they poke her, and are rough with her.  She is so patient with them, and loves them to pieces.  She likes to try to protect her house already.  She is my shadow though, and follows me all over.  Now I have three little children following me all over, room to room.  She really is like another kid.  She is very hyper, and very needy and wants a lot of attention.   I have to keep an eye on her all the time, because she will chew on things she shouldn't.  She whines and barks if she is alone outside too long.  I think she is afraid of being left alone.  She always has to be next to me...all over me.  Chase loves her.  He feeds her, and has learned how to sneak her food from the diner table.  He tries to be all secretive too, ha ha ha.  Wesley hasn't really bonded with her as much as I would have hoped.  He will pet her, and feed her, and give her love, but he gets frustrated (like I do)  when she is constantly in his face trying to get attention, or is laying on his toys, and so on.  He does love her though.  He actually named her.  The name she was given at the animal shelter was Blossom.  When we came home, we asked Wesley what we should name her, and without even thinking he said, "Daisy!  Her name is Daisy!"  We tried to persuade him with a few other names I liked, but he was set on that name!  She is a sweet dog, and hopefully we will continue to grow closer to her and have fun with her for many more years.   I've never owned a dog, so it is definitely a new adventure! 

Wesley all ready and excited to go pick up Daisy!

As soon as we put her in the car to take her home, she found a perfect place to sit!  Chase didn't mind one bit! 

Hymm..something seems wrong here!  :-) 

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