Monday, January 31, 2011

ups and downs

 Its amazing how kids can be the sweetest, cutest, most lovable little things one minute, and turn into complete crazies the next.  This morning I was reading a really sad blog about a woman who lost her baby after going into labor at 21 weeks.  Ya...Its not a good idea to read about those things while pregnant.  I was crying...and I dont cry very often.  It is sooo sad to hear about things like that.  Especially to good people that would make great parents.  I dont understand how drugged up women who dont take care of themselves, and dont even want a baby can end up having healthy kids.  Anyways...I'm going WAY off course.  Back to what I was, I was sad this morning after reading the blog, so I grabbed Wesley and just hugged him, and was sooo grateful for his little sweet spirit in my life.  Sometimes (a lot of the time)  I take for granted having a healthy, thriving, sweet little guy to call all my own.  Even after almost losing him at birth, I sometimes forget how fragile life can be.  Well, a few hours later I went with my parents to Living spaces to help them find a couch.  Wesley was doing good walking around in his stroller, but towards the end things got sour.  He was tired,  grumpy, and just wanted to run around.  I didn't want him to break something, so I didn't let him run free.  Of course that made him mad, and he threw a huge tantrum.  It was so bad I had to walk out.  We were in the back of the store, so it seemed like a mile before we got to the entrance.  Everyone was least I felt like everyone was.  Then, once outside, he got worse, and screamed for about 15 minutes until my parents came out.  People were looking at me like I was murdering him...and probably looking at my belly thinking I was crazy for having another one! :-p  Once in the car, he fell right asleep and was my little angel again.  I just had to remind my self that he is really only this little once, and soon he will be a big teenager.  I then remembered the blog I read earlier, and I realized how lucky I am to have a cute, crazy toddler...tantrums and all.  Then, this evening he followed me around all night, whining and crying for me to hold him, and give him this toy, or help him reach that toy... all while trying to get dinner ready and so on.  In the moment, it gets pretty tiring.  However, not long after, I was cuddled up to him on the couch, and he put his little head on my chest, and just sat there until he started to fall asleep.  Its those little moments that make everything worth it.  Seriously...its pretty amazing how it works.

another fun thing about kids....watching them do silly things, and then take pictures of it!  I was looking at some pictures I have taken over the last few months, and  got a few laughs.
he seriously feel asleep like this. I think he was on Jason's lap and started sliding down.  I wish I could sleep that well!

the classic "eating the lemon" face.  The funny thing is that he liked the lemon, and kept licking it.

relaxing to Elmo so mommy can have a little break :-) He looks like a little man

I left him alone for a minute, and he decided to finger paint with his ketchup.

he is obsessed with flowers...anything nature really..., and fell asleep holding his flower :-)

And, I can't forget my other little guy!  I love being pregnant...but pregnancy is also one of those things full of ups and downs.  I love feeling him move...I love having a baby belly....I love creating life.  I dont love the heart palpitations I have been having, or the anemia (and being tired that comes with it), and I am not looking forward to labor one bit.  I am super excited to meet him, but once again...I know how fast pregnancy comes and goes, so I am trying to enjoy every minute, and am in no big rush to have him!  (in a month I might be telling a different story :-p )


Rebecca said...

That's the best part of parenting, the downs make the "ups" so, so worth it. I wonder if the next little man will have red hair?

Chelsea said...

I can So relate to those ups and downs, and you look gorgeous!