Monday, February 27, 2023

Chase turns 10, we release butterflies, and I chop my hair off

My Sweet Chase.  Chase is a soul full of maturity, strength, softness, and gentleness. He brings calm to a house full of chaos and noise.  He is a peacemaker.  He is the friend everyone wants.  He has a strong desire to make good choices and follow the rules.  He has deep compassion for others, and decided to become vegetarian a few years back because of his tender heart towards animals.  He is hard working, reliable, polite, and honest.  This sweet boy is the most easy going, laid back, even tempered child I have ever met.  From the time he was born, he has always been so mellow, and such a joy to have as my son. Every teacher he ever had has absolutely loved him.  I never have to worry about what his teachers will tell my in teacher conference, or how he will act at a friend's house.  Not once has he been unkind - threatening, mean, or rude to any friend. From the time he was little, I always felt like he had an advanced, old soul in his little body. He loves building legos, and has officially run out of room for them in his bedroom.  He can spend hours in deep contemplation as he builds the tiny blocks.  He doesn't need much to keep him occupied - a ball to play outside with, blocks to build with, or mom and a book to read with at night.  Each night he comes in my room, snuggles under the covers, and I read to him.  It has become one of my favorite parts of the day. Wesley was such a passionate, independent bookworm that he always wanted to read on his own as soon as he could.  Blake, also an advanced reader, is so hyper and busy, he often has a hard time sitting still long enough to read chapter books togehter so I often read him picture books as he colors and builds legos.  However, Chase loves spending time each night with me as we go on epic adventures in our mind.  My favorite series was Harry Potter.  We are now reading Percy Jackson, and are 1/4 through the last book of the series.  I will deeply miss these sacred moments I spend reading with Chase when he finally decides he no longer wishes to read together.  Chase has a way of grabbing hold of my heart strings, and I'm so eternally grateful the universe brought Chase into my life.  He balances me out, brings calm to my life, and gives me strength.  He takes care of his critters (and does an amazing job), helps mow the lawn, and keeps his room somewhat clean without ever being asked. He loves scootering at the skate park, and is excited to hopefully join the mountain biking team for his school next year.  I hope he knows it's ok to be a messy, crazy, loud kid occasionally, but I sure hope he knows he makes the world a better place because he is in.  Thank you Chase, my sweet son, for bettering my life and bringing so much joy to the world.... more than you might even comprehend.   

For his birthday, he only wanted Legos (the only thing he has asked from since he was about four years old!) He asked for donuts in leau of cake, Waffle love for breakfast, and we went to the indoor skate part for his birthday celebration.  We also took his best friend, DJ, and his brothers to the indoor pool. 

Blake with his beloved pusheen watching Chase play soccer 

Picnic at the skate park for homeschool 

After watching our caterpillars turn into butterflies for our Anthropoid unit, we were able to release them back into nature.  What a fun science unit! 

Nature hike with Dad 

I get board with my physical appearance. I often cut my hair and grow it out again pretty regularly.  However I've never cut it much shorter than my ears.  I've always wanted a pixie cut, and finally in 2021 I took the leap and just did it!  It was such a fun, scary change!  I didn't like the upkeep though (I had to get it cut every six weeks ($60) to keep the pixie looking clean). Eventually, after about a year, I started the long, tedious process of growing it out again, but I'm so happy I stopped worrying about what other people would think, and just did it! 

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