Jason and I enjoy browsing Zillow for fun. We dream about fun places we might live in the future and enjoy looking at different homes in various price ranges all over the country. About a year ago, Jason discovered a beautiful home for sale that was only about 30 minutes from us. I have been feeling the itch to move to a location surrounded by nature - trees, streams, mountains, views, or any combination. We like to keep an eye out on these "dream" houses just to see what pops up (not really thinking we will ever actually move any time soon). As soon as I saw this particular house I fell in love. All of the sudden my dream turned into a possible reality. We contacted our realtor and toured it a few times. After much thought and deep conversations we eventually made an offer. Unfortunately (and fortunately), another offer was accepted. I'm only posting pictures of this "dead to me" home as a motivating factor to keep reaching for my goal. While I did fall in love with the windows - oh these were the most gorgeous windows I ever laid eyes upon, I am now rather grateful we didn't get the house. Its not in my dream location, doesn't really have any of my dream qualities (except for those amazing windows and gorgeous great room), and while it is located up in the mountains, it doesn't have the trees or stream that I so longing would love to have. If we got this house, we would have had to move right in the middle of the Covid pandemic, and I know that would have been an awful experience. Also, now that I realize this is not my dream house, buying it would have made it nearly impossible to actually move again had a better home come along. This house was not the right fit, but it is a great reminder that sometimes life doesn't go our way, and that is ok. It just means better things are in store!
However, all that being said, I still enjoy gazing upon these gorgeous windows every now and then!
Once I knew this house was dead to me, I quickly and surprisingly, started loving and appreciating my current home so much more. I started noticing the beauty of our neighborhood and city that I had started to take for granted. It was as though I was looking at life through new eyes. I have been practicing the art of mindfulness and I am slowly learning to love the present moment exactly as it is - not wishing for any change. However, that doesn't mean I can't enhance my life to create more peace. We decided to redo all our bathrooms, and it has made a huge difference. Jason did so much work. Redoing everything took a good six + months and was exhausting, but so worth it! My bathroom is now my little oasis, and I love it so much. Living in our home has been a huge blessing over the past year. Our current home has a huge, quiet space to homeschool in as well as a nice office for Jason for teleworking. The "window" house was huge, but didn't have much homeschool space, nor a nice dedicated closed off office for Jason. Our current home has a lot of wilderness to explore and friends to play with. Its interesting how much a little time and perspective can help us better appreciate life!
Boys before:
Boys After:
Before master bath
After Master bath
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