Thursday, November 7, 2019

Beach house and Baptism

I remember during our last trip to Lego Land with Grandma Burnell, the topic of funerals was brought up.  She explained to me that when she passed away, she wanted to be cremated, and that she wanted all her family to rent a beach house near Moro Bay and scatter her ashes in the ocean.  I wish I paid attention to her words a little closer - never in a million years would I have imagined that we would be fulfilling her wishes just a short two years later.

All her kids and grandkids came together and gave her a final memorial she would be proud of.  We rented a large victorian house in San Louis Obispo near the orchards.  The house was old and beautiful.  Our only complaint was the rancid smell that oozed out of the utility closet all week. We never did figure out what that was. Never the less,  The cousins all had a lot of fun getting to play with each other, and we enjoyed many hours relaxing at the beach.  We booked a private boat ride which took us out to the ocean to scatter the ashes. California has fairly strict laws regarding where cremated ashes can be dumped.  The waves were pretty choppy, and a few of the kids got pretty scared.  As Jennifer went to dump the ashes overboard, a strong gust of wind blew them back up all over her face, on Blake's jacket, and on the deck of the boat.  I was laughing much harder than I probably should have been.  After our boat ride, we all went to Grandma Burnell's favorite breakfast place.  It wasn't the same with her missing though.  We also took a tour of Hearst Castle and had fun watching the elephant seals along the coast.

Once our stay was up at the Victorian house, we headed down to Ontario to spend more time with family.  Chase and Lily wanted to get baptized together, so we arranged for it to occur while all the family was together.  It was emotional knowing Sheryl wasn't going to be there.  It was one of her biggest desires to see Chase and Lily get baptized together.  It was a very simple and sweet  baptism, and it was even more fun knowing he was getting baptized in the same font that I was baptized in. 

The main Living room 

The master sweet that Jennifer and Steven stayed in 

The master bath - I didn't get to use it, but I had to take a picture because it was so pretty! 

The Boy's room 

We had the Herst castle bus all to ourselves!

Our private boat 

Quick photoshoot at the Victorian house

Th best Grandma in the world 

I love taking my boys over to my Grandma's house to pick from her many fruit trees.  She literally created a magical garden on top of a tiny cement backyard.  I'm always amazed by her green thumb and talent.

I was also blessed to be able to see my best friend Nessa.  I ALWAYS have a good time when ever I'm around my Nessa.  She brings out the best in me, and I hope someday we can live closer to each other!

On the way home we stopped by my Grandpa's house near St. George.

Poppi took Blake for a ride with his scooter 

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