Thursday, June 13, 2019

The forever long soccer season

Sports - I can't stand them but I sure do love watching my boys get so passionate about them.  Both Chase and Blake asked me to sign them up for spring soccer.  I love finding activities that my boys enjoy, and I will happily sign them up for a wide range of activities when I can. Often I forget to think of my sanity before I commit to so many extracurricular activities though!  Jason travels a lot, so I have to take all three boys to most games and practices on my own. Poor Wesley dislikes sports as much as I do and gets dragged around all week to different games.  Between Blake and Chase, we had soccer on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday every week. Cub scouts is also on Monday, and piano was on tuesday, so my anxiety was pretty high those days as I was frantically trying to get every one dressed and rushed from one activity to another.  To make matters more exciting - over half the games were canceled and rescheduled  due to rain.  Most of the games that were not canceled were held on freeing cold days (30-40 degree temps).  I'm convinced the weather was purposely trying to test my patience.  The weekends were fabulous and warm, yet our game days usually consisted of terrible weather.  Many days were nice and sunny, and literally the HOUR of the game a giant storm would roll in leaving kids soaking wet on the field.  For example - one tuesday the weather had been sunny and warm all day.  That evening I got Blake dressed and we ran over to his friend's house to pick him up for the game.  As soon as I got to his friend's house, HUGE balls of hail started falling.  I drove to the game anyways, and kids were already on the field practicing.  Before I could park the car, a huge thunderstorm rolled in complete with lightning and monsoonal rain.  I turned right around and went home upset because I was convinced the weather hated me. Exactly an hour later (when the game would have ended), the weather was perfect again.  I'm not exaggerating when I say this happened at least five times for both boys.  It was so bizarre and exhausting.  However, my boys still had fun.  They both scored goals and improved a lot.  Blake is amazing at taking control of the ball and dribbling it down the field to score goals.  Chase is a great goalie and is so brave when defending the ball.  I'm so proud of my boys! They played so many games in freezing temperatures with smiles and positivity!

These pictures are not up to my standards, but I was so cold I didn't care at the time!

Blake was on the team "Blue Dragons" 

Chase was "Black Panthers" 

This is my favorite picture this season

"Mom - I'm going to do a cool soccer face" 

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