Monday, June 24, 2019

Happy 8th Birthday Chase!

Chase is my quiet, mature, handsome, sweet boy.  He takes a long time to get comfortable with adults, and has perfected the death stare when he is nervous.  He is a wonderful student, and his teachers only have very positive things to say about him.  Even though he can be very shy and quiet, he also has an outgoing and silly side when he is around his brother's or friends.  He loves sports - particularly soccer, and spends most of his recess time playing on the field and kicking around balls.  He loves being the goalie, and is excited to play fall soccer for a different city this year.  He is also considering joining a basketball team in the winter.  He loves skiing and will continue taking ski lessons this year. He is a master lego builder and can send hours upon hours building sets.  Legos are usually the only thing he asks for as gifts.  He is also taking piano lessons and is a bear in cub scouts.  His leaders all love him because he is so well behaved.  Chase loves to cuddle, but has become more independent this year.  He likes to put himself to bed now and even sets his watch alarm to wake himself up sometimes.  He loves to wear watches, and Jason recently gave him one of his old ones that he proudly wears.  I'm so grateful to have Chase in my life.  He brings much needed calm to our house (except when his brother's get him riled up).  He is my cuddler and is always the first to snuggle up to me on the couch.  I love his sweet, calm spirit and I can't wait to see what amazing things he does with his life!

Chase asked to go to the Ninja warrior playground with his friend DJ for his birthday.  I was a little worried there wouldn't be enough for them to do at their level, but they all happily played for hours.  Blake loved the curved climbing wall and got so excited when he finally conquered it.  

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