Wednesday, May 20, 2015

life with a one year old

When one thinks of a baby, immediate thoughts of chubby checks, giggles, and sweet little toes come to mind. Babies bring happiness, and love, and that is how it should be.  However, they also bring complete destruction.  I'm not sure if I just can't remember how destructive my other boys were, or if it is because Blake is my third and therefore we have like five times more toys to make messes with compared to when Wesley was this age, but HOLY MOLY.  Don't let Blake's sweet little smile and cute red hair fool you; he is a non stop, mess making machine ha ha ha.  He was born with three modes - fussy, messy, and sleep.  Wesley was also born with three modes - go, go faster, and sleep.  Between these two, I am VERY busy.  Lets have a look at what my typical day might look like, shall we?  You know - for prosperity.  Or, for a good laugh...

Blake does not like to wake up, yet he insists on waking up with the sun on most days.  He screams when he wakes up, and I usually take him downstairs where the older boys are already awake watching cartoons.   I sit on the couch while holding Blake, and things are pretty quiet for about 15 min or so.  He starts fussing, so I get him some milk.  He finishes that (or drinks most of it, and squeezes the rest on the floor and couch), and starts fussing again.  I still can't figure out why he is sooo fussy a good 80% of the day.  He follows me around the house, and as I unload the dish washer, he likes to help. I love how he gets a huge smile as he hands me the clean silverware and plates.   However, as I load the dirty dishes, I try to keep him away from the yuckiness and he SCREAMS.  He then goes to the trash, and tries to play in it.  When I tell him no, he opens the pantry and takes out crackers or other goodies and drops them on the floor.  As I am trying to clean up that mess, he runs over to the dishwasher to play in the dirty dishes.  I pick him up and put him in the living room, and he cries some more.  He then goes over to the kid desk and gets out the markers and crayons and starts to EAT them while I'm loading the remaining dishes.  He is now covered in marker and bits of crayons, so I take him upstairs to get dressed and cleaned.  I have to lock us both in his room, or he will escape and go in Wesley's room and eat his rocks, or in Chase's room and knock over his toys.  So, as I'm picking out his clothing he takes all the dirty clothes out of his hamper, and spreads them on the floor.  He then goes to the closest and takes out my old breast pump, and starts taking out all the pieces.  While I'm cleaning up that, he goes and starts taking out the baby wipes (third time this week).  I pin him on the ground to change him, and, you guessed it, he screams and screams.  I finally get him dressed (by now I feel just as exhausted had I run a mile).  I leave his room messy (I'm too tired to clean it), and go to my room to get dressed.  I have to lock him in there with me  so I can see what trouble he is getting in to.  As I pick out my clothing, he goes to my nail polish and takes them out of the bag and throws them all over.  As I'm cleaning that, he goes to the bathroom sink drawer, and pulls out all my hair supplies and dumps them on the floor.  I ignore that mess and try to brush my teeth.  I look over, and he has opened my lotion, and poured it all over him self.  I'm too tired to change him, so I wipe him off. At least  he smells amazing.  :-)  I then do my hair (just a pony tail, no time for anything more ha ha ha ha), and he starts to open my nightstand and take out my chap stick.  I quickly finish getting ready, and take him downstairs.  He starts crying.  I try to get the older boys ready. I take all the boys back upstairs.  I lock Blake in Chase's room so I can help Chase get dressed, and while I'm doing that Blake is taking apart Chase's train track.  Chase starts crying, Blake starts crying.  Wesley open's Chase's door, and Blake darts down the hall into the boy's bathroom.  I finish with Chase, and get up to get Blake only to find him playing in the toilet water.  I wash him, and go downstairs to finish getting ready.  I put a load of laundry in the washing machine, as Blake screams. He then unloads a clean basket of laundry all over the floor as I'm trying to load the dryer.  There are WAY too many baskets of clean laundry all over my laundry room that need to be folded.  As I'm finishing,  Blake escapes and is quiet.  Things are settling down.  Then, I look in the office where he has taken every Easter egg out of the big bag (that I still need to put in the garage), and spread them all over the floor as Wesley is sitting at the desk cutting some white printer paper into a million little pieces.  I close the door (once again leaving the mess so I can get the boys ready for school).  Blake is screaming...again. I'm sweating, and stressed, and I rush Chase to school, come home, put Blake to bed, feed Wesley lunch, send him to school (Erin's grandma takes him 4 days a week), if I'm lucky I have an hour break all to myself before having to wake up my sleeping baby and pick up Chase.  We then come home, and an hour later pick up Wesley.  (This schedule is two days a week when Chase goes to school, but other days have piano lessons, or shopping and so on).  After Wesley comes home I try to go through Wesley's backpack; Blake cries so I pick him up.  He then takes all the papers I'm trying to sort and throws them on the ground.  I attempt to help Wesley with homework, but Blake screams.  We then attempt Piano practice.  Blake pounds on the keys, Wesley gets mad, I move Blake, and he screams and starts the process over.  Finally Blake gets tired of the battle, and goes into the next room.  I check on him, and he is hiding all the shoes that we keep by the front door around the house (and eating them).  I can never find shoes when I need them because Blake loves to scatter them in every corner of the house. I grab them away and he cries.  I try to help Wesley again, and Blake follows and pounds on the keys again.  I start dinner, and as you guessed it - Blake is screaming. He goes over to the recycle bin, and starts taking out paper and tearing them up, or he takes out old food containers and tries to lick them.  I put him in the high chair with snacks, and he throws them all over the floor.  I put him down and just have to listen to him cry until Jason comes home.  Once Jason comes home,  Blake is happy, and I finish dinner.  I put Blake back in the high chair, and after playing with his food, he throws it on the floor (just adding more crumbs to the lunch and snack crumbs).  Bed time isn't too bad when Jason is here so he can watch the baby while I get the older boys to bed.  I finally get all three in bed, and the house is a disaster.  However, I'm so tired and ready to have a break that the last thing I want to do is clean, lol.  This story is pretty much what happens every... single... day.... plus or minus a few of the messes. Of course, there are A LOT  of wonderful things that happen each day that I didn't mention - like the smiles and giggles; watching my boys share with each other; pushing my kids in the swings;  kisses; going on walks around the neighborhood;  little hands helping mommy with the cooking; reading bedtimes books all snuggled in the bed; little boys telling me I am their "favorite girl ever," and MUCH more.  The good ALWAYS out weights the bad, but being a mom to three little boys is going to be hard, and that is just how it is.  Each stage is SOO different, and every few months it seems like things change so much.  Life is very different than it was a year ago, and I know things will be much different in another year.  Its hard to remember when my older boys were little one year olds, because time goes so fast.  Writing about my typical day makes me laugh.  I hope when Blake is a father, he can read this and have a good laugh too.  I KNOW I will miss his sweet little busy body when he is in school. This time is so precious, no matter how exhausting it feels at the moment.   My house is so crazy because after cleaning up the messes of the boys, I don't want to clean the rest of the house!     I hate having a messy home, but I have come to realize that there are going to be messes with little kids.  I can either go INSANE constantly cleaning, or I can do my best and try not to worry about the rest.  I'm exhausted, and its hard getting anything done with a busy, fussy, one year old, but I'm glad I have a busy, fussy one year old.  I'm thankful to be a mom, and that I get to stay home to have these memories with my kids.  There are many more good moments, but during this stage of life - things are just going to be crazy.  There is no way around it, so I am trying my best to embrace it, and enjoy it, and laugh about it!

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