Sunday, May 31, 2015

Chase is four!

As tradition, we made a paper chain for Chase to count down the days until his Birthday.  He kept practicing holding up four fingers on his hand to show his age, instead of three. He was so excited, and daydreamed of all the fun things inside his presents.  I wrapped some gifts for him, and put them on the table about a week before his birthday.  My visiting teacher was shocked, and said that her kids could never wait to open their gifts.  I think it is fun to see your gifts early.  It makes things more exciting! Chase is the most patient four year old I know.  He received some candy from church for his birthday (a week before).  Instead of tearing into them like most kids would, he took them home, placed the bag with his other gifts, and said he was going to wait to open them on his birthday.  Sweet boy.

Chase wanted a construction vehicle theme, so I got a few decorations, and made a cute cake.  (I am NOT a cake maker AT ALL, but I do like to attempt to make a special cake for my kid's birthdays).  Jason had to travel on his actual birthday, so the Saturday before we got tickets to ride on a local, historic scenic train.  It wasn't as glamorous as the website made it seem, and it was a little boring to be honest, but I think Chase had fun, and that is all that matters, right?  The views were pretty gorgeous.  Chase did NOT like the train robbers at all.  I warned him before, and told him they were just pretend, but in his four year old's mind, they were real...and they were really scary.  Wesley thought they were funny and played along. 

Chase has been going to a preschool through the school district.  He loves it, and has been doing really well there.  He is talking more, and communicating better.  I had a meeting to discuss his progress, and it seems he is doing so well, he won't qualify for the free special ed preschool program anymore for speech.  He still has a hard time pronouncing words, but since he doesn't have any other concerns, he doesn't need to go to the school anymore.  It was a bittersweet moment to hear he is doing so well, but that he won't qualify for the school anymore.  He loves that school, and I don't want him to miss his teachers and friends.  He can still go as a regular, tuition paying student, but I'm debating on just keeping him home.  I'm not a big fan of preschool unless it is needed for a special reason (like Chase's speech).  This will be his last year home, and I think I just want to spend it with him. Wesley didn't go to preschool, and I'm grateful for all the moments we had together.   He still gets to go to speech therapy once a week to help him, and we might keep it at that. 

"This is what I wanted!!!"

I set out cones the night before his birthday that led to his gifts

Erin, our neighbor and the boy's best friend in Utah

1 comment:

aprilaleman said...

I agree... having my kids home with me is so important. I am so thankful for the time we have together, and sad to loose my baby to school this year.