Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Our last few months in California

I know this post is a few months overdue, but life has been crazy since October, and I am just now able to find a few minutes to update this blog.  So, October and November were pretty crazy months in California.  Trying to find a new house, getting ready to move hundreds of miles away, and trying to enjoy our last little while in California kept us super busy.  Also, taking care of three crazy boys, including an almost one year old who still wakes up all through the night, just added to the stress of it all.   I wanted to make life seem as normal as I could for the boys.  Change is hard for me, and I was really sad for Wesley to leave his school and friends, but I think I did a good job of making it all sound exciting.  I had become really close friends with one of the kids' moms from Wesley's class.  I think leaving her was one of the hardest parts of leaving his school.  She was so nice, and I'm not one to make friends super easily.  I also had just met a Creekside mom's meetup group with really nice ladies.  I was bummed that I just started making good friends in my community outside my church right before we had to leave.   I wasn't a huge fan of Wesley's class and school at the beginning of the year, but he did so well in it, and grew so much that I felt bad to take him out of his school, especially in the middle of the school year.  However, Wesley has taken the move extremely well.  I took a lot of pictures of him with his old school before we left so he could have the memories, but I think they are really more for me than him.  He is happy in his new school, and its like nothing at all changed...for him anyway!  :-) At his old school we had to go up to his class room to pick him up each day, whereas here they just let the kids go.  It is a little scary, but he does good waiting at this fence for me.  I used to have to get to his school 20 min early to park, load Blake in the stroller, and walk about 5-10 min to the gate, wait for Wesley to get out, pick him up, walk back in the chaos (there were no buses at his school, and only a few older kids usually walked home themselves, so there were A LOT of parents picking up kids), and drive home in the traffic.  Picking him up used to take 40 min even though his school was only 2 minutes away.  Now, I can just park in the parking lot of his new school, leave kids in the car, and walk a few steps to get Wesley.  Most kids walk or take the bus, so it really isn't too crazy while picking him up now.  It takes like 5 minutes.  Such a huge difference!  It is much nicer now, but I do miss my walks with Chase and Blake to pick up Wesley.  Chase used to love pushing his baby stroller along side my stroller each day.  All the mom's would comment how cute it was to see my little boy pushing his little blue stroller with me.  I also miss the times I had to talk to other moms and dads.  Now, I have no idea who any of the moms are since I never see them.  I can't volunteer since I have no one to watch my other two boys, so I feel a little left out of that.  Lots of changes, and it is just going to take a while to get used to everything. 

Here are some of the things we did the month before moving. 
Chase was a dinosaur for  our church Halloween party, but once he found out I had an old race car driver costume in my closet, he wanted to wear that while trick or treating. 

Wesley's school Halloween party
Wesley's school had a Halloween parade, and while all the kids were lined up waiting to walk, there was music playing.  "Thriller" turned on, and as soon as Wesley heard it, he started busting a move.  All the other kids were standing still, and there was Wesley dancing in the middle of everyone.  I love his sweet, silly personality. 

Even Scientists get worn out once in a while

Haunted Gingerbread houses

Blake's hair was going through a phase where it just stuck up all over, so a mad scientist was the perfect costume! He even left those goggles on all though our church Halloween party.  Everyone was amazed that he didn't try pulling them off. 

Wesley and his teacher, Ms. Fisher

His school was so pretty.  I loved all the big trees, and all the green grass.  Many schools don't have such a nice Kinder playground as his old school had. 

On one of our daily walks from our car to pick up Wesley.  At the time it was kind of a hassle getting in and out of the car all day, but now that I don't have those walks with my two buddies anymore, I realize how special it was. 
Blake loves getting out of the house, and he LOVED being pushed in his stroller each day to wait for his Wesley. I feel bad that with the cold and the snow,  our once daily walks are now non existent.  There are tons of trails all over this area though, so in the Spring we will have to go exploring. 

Also, my nephew, baby Oliver was born.
Another thing I loved about Wesley's old school was that they had awesome themed dress up days every month for spirit day.  I don't think his new school is as cool in that area.  Here he is dressed up for "nerd" day.  Cutest nerd in his class :-) He made me laugh when he said, "Mommy, why do I have to dress up like a nerd? I want to be a Geologist, and they are not nerds!!"  Well buddy, actually..... :-)

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