Thursday, August 7, 2014

Discovery Center

I have driven past the OC Discovery cube many times, but have never been inside until last month. We decided to go there with Jason's family, but on the day we were going to go, Chase came down with a cold.  I ended up just taking Wesley and Blake while poor little Chase stayed home with Daddy.  I decided to just buy yearly passes so I could take Chase another time.  My boys have so much energy, it is nice to be able to take them to fun places like this where they can run around and play for hours on end.  Southern California has soo many amazing, family friendly places to take kids.  There might be smog, earthquakes, lots of people, horrible traffic, and bad politics, but there is SOOO much to do it makes it worth it, :-) 

making a cloud

He was fascinated by this tornado

He also loved this laser harp

Laying on a bed of nail

He's just a little short :-)

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