Monday, December 30, 2013

35 weeks

I know everyone says this, but I really can't believe how fast this pregnancy has flown by.  I think being due at the beginning of the year really helped to make things go faster.  I remember with Wesley and Chase, when the new year started I still had about 4 months to go, and it felt like such a long time.  This time at New years, I only have a little over a month left, and that is just hard to wrap my mind around.  I have been so busy with Christmas and my church calling that I haven't had time to really think about baby stuff.  I still need to pack my bags, and I still want to do a little more refreshing up on Lamaze and other natural birth techniques.  I am worried about this birth.  Not the giving birth part (well, ok I am nervous about the pain), but just worried about getting the birth experience that I want and hope for.   I know things can happen, and that labor doesn't always go as planned.   I know our bodies were made for this.  A woman's body knows how to give birth, and it shouldn't be a scary event.  It is natural and can be beautiful.  I would love to give birth at home to have a more natural birth, but I am way too scared that something would go wrong with myself or the baby, and that is just not a risk I want to take.  However, being in charge of one's own labor at a hospital can be hard, and hopefully things go as smoothly and as well as Chase's birth.  After Wesley's birth there were a lot of things that I wanted done differently, and luckily with Chase most of my wishes came true.  This time, there are still a few different little things I would like to happen.  Hopefully my expectations are not too high though :-)  Ultimately, the most important thing of course is healthy baby and healthy Mommy.  In the end, that is really all that matters! 

Yes, even though the lovely aches and pains of pregnancy have come knocking on my door, I still think I feel pretty good overall.  I can still do most everything I need to do...just at a slower pace, and I get worn out a lot faster.  Walking is hard, and I really can't go for long walks anymore without feeling like my body is going to break in half from all the extra weight and pressure.  Ok, I might be exaggerating a little, but it really humbles me, and gives me greater sympathy for those with chronic ailments who experience constant pain  while walking or moving on a daily basis. Also, another fun thing I get to experience is felling like my bladder is going to explode all over the room each night around  1am.   From the time I found out I was pregnant, I have had to wake up in the middle of the night to go pee every night (same with all my pregnancies). Annoying, yes, but really not a big deal.  However, now it is getting to the point where I not only feel like I need to go really bad, but I seriously start having contractions if I wait too long, and things feel like they will explode if I wait even a minute longer.  I never experienced that felling with the boys.  Other than that rude awakening each night, I still sleep pretty well.  I mean - as good as one can with a giant tummy full of a wiggling baby.  I feel very blessed and happy to have made it this far, and I don't really have too many other complaints.  I only have very, very mild heart burn once in a while - which must mean this baby will be bald like Wesley :-)  I am also reaching that point where I am getting very lazy .  There are a lot of things that need to be done, but I have such a hard time getting up and just doing them.  Or, I will do one little thing and get worn out and will be too tired to do anything else.  Its ok, I don't mind taking it easy for a while.  :-) 

Lastly, I am getting HUGE.  At my last appointment at 33 weeks I was 151lbs, which means I have gained 26 lbs.  That part is good, but my belly is really growing.  I know, I have said that since I was 16 weeks.  Maybe I think I am bigger than I am, but I am pretty sure other people think it too. Plus, I am outgrowing some of my maternity clothing!   People keep looking at me thinking I am due any day.  They always get surprised when I tell them I have over a month to go.  One lady at church told me that I will  have him soon because I look like I dropped and am big and ready to go.  She couldn't believe that I still had a little ways to go and told me he would probably be healthy if I had him now.  Another lady chanted at church "Come on...lets have this baby!!"  As nice as that sounds, I am just not ready yet - mentally or physically.  Is anyone ever really ready though? I still feel like I have some things to do, and I want to enjoy him in the comforts of my belly for a little longer. 

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