Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Halloween, Birthdays, Snot, and 28 weeks

I am a little cheep when it comes to my kids costumes.  I figure - they wear it to a church party, and out trick or treating.  To me, it is not worth spending lots of money on something they only wear a few times at most.  I always try to get their costumes at Target during the 90% off Halloween clearance sales.  I was able to snag cute matching costumes for a total of about $3.50 last year for both kids. I tried to guess what size they would be.  Wesley's was HUGE, so I had to hem it up a bit. Surprisingly, they were a hit though!  They looked so cute!  :-)  (Any mom thinks their kids look darling in Halloween costumes though).  Jason got back from New York on the day of our church party, so we were going to go to my parent's church party the next night.  Unfortunately, Wesley had a random fever all day so I took little Chase myself.  He is just so sweet and mellow, and just sat on my mom's lap and didn't make a peep all night.  He calmly collected his candy, and was just as sweet as can be.   Everyone loved his little police outfit, and would put their hands up when ever they saw him.  Chase just though everyone was crazy - he had no idea what they were doing!  On Halloween, I made "mummy dogs" for dinner, and then we walked down an awesome street I found on one of my morning walks last year.  It was super decorated, and a lot of the houses were really "spooky."  Wesley loved it.  Chase was a little unsure about all the scary stuff, but boy was he excited to get all that candy!!  He is quiet, and didn't really say trick or treat loud enough for anyone to hear, but he had a blast.  They both got tons of candy, and had a really fun evening (minus a melt down Wesley had towards the end regarding an overflowing bucket).

My Birthday was on the 28th.  I am now 29.  This is my last year in my twenties.  *tear.*  This was the third year in my life I have been sick on my Birthday though.  Super lame!  I still had fun despite the nose blowing and coughing.  My parents took me to lunch to Vinces' Spagetti on my birthday, and we opened gifts and had pie after.  At night, I wasn't feeling well so Jason bought me some Tortilla soup from one of our favorite Mexican Restaurants.  He brought it home, and we just relaxed and watched a movie.  I got to go on a shopping spree the next night at Sprouts in the organic/natural health care aisles.   I love organic/natural products, and had fun filling my basket with yummy shampoos, conditioners, body washes, lotions, essential oils, and other all natural body products (all while kid free too!).  Wesley kept telling me "Happy Birthday Mommy!!"  all day too.  That made me happy that he was excited for me.  :-)

So, because my immune system is lower due to pregnancy, it took me over two weeks to get over my cold.  Not fun.  I am still not 100%, but I feel much, much better.  It really makes me grateful for being healthy.  One night I went to urgent care because my ear was throbbing and was in excruciating pain.  Turns out I didn't have an ear infection, just a whole lot of pressure up there from all the, uh, snot and stuff.  :-p  It is hard being sick, but way worse while pregnant because I can't take anything, and I am worried about the baby the whole time.  However, going to urgent care while pregnant definitely has its benefits.  They pushed me up, and called me in right away so I didn't have to wait, and were so sweet to me.  Jason helped with dinners during those few weeks too, which I really appreciate. 

I am now 28 weeks, and things are going great.  I still feel wonderful most of the time.  I have my days, but physically I feel pretty good.  Everything feels normal, and it just feels...right.  I feel like he is exactly where he is supposed to be, and I am happy to be big and pregnant right now.  He was such a quiet baby for most of my pregnancy.  I was worried some days when I hardly felt him move.  Now, he is getting more active and I love watching my belly move around, and it is fun to poke his foot when he sticks it out.  I have started the long process of sorting though all our old baby items.  It is a very overwhelming task.  I forgot how much stuff I have collected, and the hardest part is figuring out where to put everything.  I have to give some of the old things away, and that is a little sad too.  I have to remind myself that I don't need it anymore, and I need to make room for the new stuff.  We sold Wesley's crib since we have two.  Both the boys were using a crib for a while, and now that Wesley is in his big bed, we only need one.  It was hard to say goodbye to it, but a cute little family bought it, and that chapter of our lives is moving on.  He is growing up, and that is fun too.  It is nice being able to close one door, and open another.

Three little boys.  We are going to have three little boys in less than three months.  I can hardly wrap my mind around it, but I know one thing - we are so, so blessed and we are going to have a lot of fun! :-)

My 'lil Pumpkin.   I have always wanted to be big and pregnant during Halloween so I could wear a cute belly costume :-) 

My cute little prisoner and Police man! 

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Cute costumes! I love garage sales for inexpensive costumes - right there with you about not spending money on them. Although Elijah does love playing dress up with his sometimes, and I'm sure I'll get to princess girl dress-up stages someday