Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bug-a-Boo is TWO!!!!

Sweet baby boy turned two on Sunday the 5th.  Jason had to fly out to DC that morning, so we had a little family party from his side the night before.  His mom, sister, and grandma came over.  Instead of cake, I made whole wheat, zucchini,  banana muffins with a brown butter drizzle on top.   They were really good (the drizzle came out kind of funny and lumpy though), and a lot healthier than cake and frosting.  That Saturday Jason took the boys to a car show.  Chase was in heaven.  For the first time ever in his life, he willingly went up to the cars and smiled and wanted Jason to take pictures of him.  My cute little guy loves cars so much.  I will have to post those later as soon as I get them off Jason's phone.

 Anyways, back to the Saturday party :-)   I wasn't going to have a big event for Chase this year.  Wesley didn't really understand.  He thought a lot of his friends were going to come over to play games, just like at his bug party.  I tried explaining to Wesley that we don't get big parties like that every year, and that maybe in a year or two Chase was going to have a big party too, but for now we were just going to have a little family get together.   I had been singing Chase the Happy Birthday song all day, and he was so excited to blow out his candles.  As we sang to him Saturday night, he blew out his candles right before we finished.  He had been looking forward to that moment for a long time!  :-)  He was happy to get to open his presents, and he got a lot of fun toys.  The next day was his actual birthday.  We had to take Jason to the airport early, and when we got home Wesley and I gave Chase our little gift.  He loves pushing baby strollers anytime we got over to his girl cousin's house.  I found a cute blue stroller for him, and he LOVES it.  We even went on a long walk around the neighborhood a few days later and he pushed his little stuffed doggie the whole way, whereas he normally would have gotten really tired and probably wouldn't have been able to make the whole walk.   We went to church in the afternoon, and later we went to my mom's house where we celebrated with my side of the family.  This time he got real cupcakes that my mom made, and got to open even more gifts!  He was a spoiled little guy, and he had a really nice, low key birthday.

my friend let me borrow some of her car party supllies

What a cute picture - too bad Daisy decided to photo bomb it! 

Chase couldn't resist temptation - while I wasn't looking he used his finger to take all the glaze off of one of the muffins

cute matching boys

Balloons, for me?!  Too bad Wesley ended up popping half of them before the night was over :-(

Silly Daddy

Birthday Morning:
looking so handsome dressed in Sunday best!

He wouldn't smile for the camera, but gosh I can't believe how grown up and handsome he is!

pushing around the stroller before church

A little out of order - Birthday morning.  These are for Daddy who was off working hard for our family! 

he looks so rough and tough, but he is so sweet and caring

This little boy was soo excited to get this baby stroller

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