Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Easter cuties

So, I accidentally deleted a lot of my pictures I took in March :-(  The ones missing are of the Easter egg hunt, the Easter baskets, and a trip to the zoo.  Digital pictures are amazing, but it is a huge bummer when something like this happens.  Oh well - I am grateful I still have the ones that I took with my SLR that month.  :-) 

Easter was simple - cute Easter baskets (those pictures are missing), ward Easter party, and a low key dinner with Jason's family.  Jason's mom bought the boys super cute Easter suits.  They looks sooo handsome and grown up in them.  They were being stinkers though, and wouldn't let me get good pictures that morning. 

Sweet little boys just wanted to play with the flowers

All ready for the church Easter party and Egg hunt

'gotta love boys :-) 

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