Friday, April 12, 2013

My Chase

Chase will be two years old in a month.  Yikes.  That can't be possible.  When I look at him, I still see a baby.  He doesn't talk, he uses a pacifier, he waddles when he runs, he cries a lot,  and he still needs to cuddle with Mommy.  All signs point to my baby!  Yet, when I look at pictures, or see him through other people's eyes, I see a little boy.  

Wesley was using sentences at this age.  Chase hardly talks at all.  They are so different.  He says or signs a few words - Mama, doggie, drink, milk, please, thank you, light, dark, hot, more, and a few others.  When he really wants something, and I ask, "Who wants, milk?"  or "candy" or something similar, he yells, "MEEE!!!"  It is one of the few things anyone can understand!  He is normally very quiet when he speaks though, so most people have no idea what he is saying.  He uses his hands and signs a lot, which helps me understand what he is trying to say.  Sometimes, he moves his little lips and tries so hard to say what he is thinking, but no sound comes out.  You can tell he is moving his lips correctly for the word he wants to say, he just has a hard time making the sounds.  Unfortunately, even though he is a super quiet talker, he is one of the loudest screamers you will ever hear.  Since he doesn't really talk, he screams.  All....the....time.  It is really hard.  If he doesn't get his way, or if we give him the wrong thing, or if we don't understand what he is trying to say, or if Wesley bugs him, or if he is just unhappy, he lets out a high pitched glass shattering scream.  Half of the day consists of screaming.  I know he gets really frustrated because he knows exactly what he wants, but can't communicate and all he knows how to do is scream.  It really tries my patience some days though.  The boys play outside a lot, and they each do really well if they are by themselves. soon as the boys get together, let the screaming begin.  Many times I have to bring Chase back in because I am literally worried the neighbors are going to call child protective services on me - no joke.  For hours a day there is screaming coming from our home.  I am not sure what to do, and I really hope that the more he learns to communicate, the less screaming there will be.

When he is not screaming, Chase loves reading books - the same four or five over and over and over.  He loves to snuggle with Mommy or Daddy and listens carefully as we read one of his books for the 125th time.  Ha ha ha.  He loves going for walks in the morning, and he loves watching the trash truck come every Friday.  He loves helping Wesley and I go get the mail each day.   He loves watching morning cartoons with Wesley.  Elmo is his favorite, and after that he gets a little board.  He still drinks one bottle of milk in the morning, and after that I make him use a cup the rest of the day.  He loves "doggie" which is a build a bear he made a few months back.  He loves being pushed in his toddler swing in the backyard, and can spend a long time back there swinging back and forth.  He loves giving me kisses, and he still LOVES to cuddle.  He takes 3 hour naps, and he goes to bed so well.  He hates getting his teeth brushed, and I have to pin him on the floor.  He is super scared of bugs, and if one touches him he will scream and get really scared.  He doesn't like when I watch him eat, and he will wave his hand until I leave so he can eat by himself.  He is super shy.  He doesn't even like to look at people he doesn't know, and is known for his "evil looks" when he squints his eyes, and bows his head, and looks at you through the top of his eyes.  Ha ha ha.  However, once he warms up to you (it can take hours, or even months), and he reaches his little hand out to yours for the first time, I guarantee it will melt your heart.  There are very few people with whom he is comfortable with.  He is super ticklish and has one of the cutest, purest, and sweetest laughs I've ever heard.  Every time I look at him, I can't believe he is my sweet baby that wanted to stay inside me a week longer than he was due; who wanted to be held by only his mommy for almost a year; and who did and still does give me the sweetest smiles of pure love.  He gives the best hugs and sweetest kisses as he puckers his lips up as far as they go.  He is such a sweet, loving little guy.  I sure love my Bubbas. 

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