Saturday, January 26, 2013

What is a little Boy without some Dirt?!

Having two boys close in age makes it fun to dress them alike.  A week ago I put them in some matching shirts, and tried to get some pictures.  In 99% of pictures containing both of them,  one is always upset, distracted, or grumpy.  I understand they are little, and standing still (together mind you) is not always fun.  Plus, I am that crazy mom that likes to take pictures of everything.  
OK, so none of these pics are worthy of enlarging to put over my mantle.  However, they are proof that they were clean once!! 

me, "Just give me one smile!!  I will give you some candy!!!" 

Wesley is old enough to understand what a bribe is!! 

   A few hours later....

  Boys love dirt, and evidently, dirt loves my boys...
Wesley, "Ha ha ha!!  Chase has a mustache!!"  (can you tell he was using his pacifier in the dirt?!)
We have this patch of dirt behind our orange tree where it is always shady and covered in leaves and other debris so grass doesn't really grow.  The boys love it back there....
Wesley took the hose, filled up the water table, and proceeded to get soaking wet.  I took his clothes off, so excuse the little naked child. In California, the weather allows you to run around naked almost any time of the year. 

Look at all my dirt Mommy!!!  I had to wash this shirt twice to get all that dirt out!
Ha!!!!  This face cracks me up!! 
The water was brown after their bath.

All clean!  :-) 

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