Thursday, January 10, 2013

laughter is the best medicine

There are a lot of things one must sacrifice to be a parent.  Time, dignity, outward appearances, money, and so on.  Things I never thought I would do as a parent,  I often do.  Things I used to judge other mom's for doing...I now often do.  When you have a kid, things you never thought should happen, happen.  Things you never thought you would do, you do.  I used to look at other kids and think, "His parent must not be disciplining him correctly for him to act like that in public!" Then, of course, my kids act just like that in public.  Parenting teaches (or it should) humility, forgiveness, kindness, charity, patience, and love.  There are a lot of things that we are just not in control of with kids.  The three "P's" are a good example....poop, pee, and puke.  They can come with no warning.  All over.  Everywhere.   Things that normally would humiliate me, no longer do.   I was thinking back to some funny (now they are funny) moments of parenthood. They make me laugh.  Being a parent is funny, and I think the more I look at it that way, the easier it becomes.  Lets face it folks....with kids....gross, yucky, disgusting, and upsetting things will happen.  It just will.  We can either look at it and be embarrassed, mad and frustrated, or we can laugh and blog about it so our kids can read it later in life!  :-) 

For example, when I was pregnant with Chase, and Wesley was about 19 months old, I was shopping at Cardenas and accidentally locked Wesley and my keys in the car.  I am not one to over panic, or become emotional.  However, since I was about 3 or 4 months pregnant, my hormones were going a little bit crazy.  It was warm outside, probably about 80 degrees, so I knew it would be about 90 or 100 in the car.  I ran inside the store to see if there was a security guard who could help me pop the lock.  I was trying not to be a crazy lady, but when they told me there was no one who could help me, I panicked a little.  My cell phone was locked in the car too.  My emotions took over and I didn't know what to do.  Wesley could see me out the window, and he was hot and crying.  I started to cry.  Inside my head I remember telling myself, "April..calm down, he is not going to die.  Its not a big deal...someone will help look like a crazy lady..seriously...strop crying!!"  I remember thinking, "boy, if I was another person walking by looking at me freaking out and crying over a kid locked in a car, I would think I was an emotional wreak!"   I was so embarrassed to be panicking over this, when I knew he would be ok.  As hard as I tired, I just kept crying.  I attracted a lot of people over to me, lol.  It is a Mexican market, so I was one of the only white people in the parking lot, and the only one balling my eyes out, ha ha ha.   I ended up borrowing a phone, and calling 911.  I asked the dispatcher  only for a police or someone who could unlock a door.  I was trying to tell them my son was fine, and that I just needed help unlocking the door.  However, I was crying so hard the 911 dispatcher first though he was in an accident!  Crazy emotions!!  SO, a few minutes later a firetruck, AND ambulance come blaring into the parking lot with sirens and all.  The fireman was so sweet, and got him out quickly.  Wesley was red from screaming, and I was a little (ok, a lot) embarrassed for crying so hard, and for making such a big scene!  I laugh about it now, but it was not a fun day for me then! 

Then, a few months later when I was big and pregnant Jason's Grandma was having a retirement party at her work in LA.  I didn't want to drive myself (Jason had to go to work), so I went with Jason's brother Alex and his (at the time friend, but now wife) Brittney.  Wesley and I were both dressed nice for the occasion.  About 5 minutes from getting to Grandma's work, Wesley threw up all over.  He gets bad motion sickness, and I usually am prepared with paper towls and such, but for some reason I didn't have anything other than a few baby wipes.  I didn't even have extra clothing.  We wiped him down the best we could in the parking lot (poor Brittney...I had just met her, and she had to help clean up all the mess!).  All he had was a diaper on.  We walk in, and everyone was gathered in the front having the party. They all turn to look at us as we walk in with an almost naked toddler and splatters of puke on my clothing.  I had never met any of them, but I guarantee I left a lasting impression!  I excuse myself, and I dash to the bathroom to finish cleaning up.  Jason's Grandma wanted to introduce her great-grandson to all her co-workers, lol.  Luckily, everyone was sweet and understanding.  We still had a good time, but I was pretty embarrassed any time someone new walked in and Grandma introduced little naked, smelly Wesley to them.  Ha!!  Good times. 

The last story I want to write about happened when Chase was only about two months old.  Our church relief society has monthly activities for all the women in the ward.  I decided to go to this particular activity, and brought Chase with me.   He was still small and fussy, and so I spent the majority of the time in the back bouncing him around to keep him happy.  He started fussing, and grunting and turning red.  Any mom knows exactly what that means.  I was holding him facing out, with one arm around his chest, and the other under his bum so he was kind of sitting on my arm.  All of the sudden a huge explosion happens and a loud rumble of thunder 'down under' unleashes from this tiny baby, followed by a gigantic SPLAT.  I look around confused at what just happened.  I look down, and there was a hug pile of fresh baby diarrhea all over the wood floors in the church cultural hall.  Thank GOODNESS it was wood floors!!  Somehow, it exploded with such force, it blew right out of the diaper, down my arm, and onto the floor.  Once again, like many times before, a wave of embarrassment and slight panic overcame me.  All the ladies in the back row turned around to see what all the noise was!  Awesome.  One of my sweet friend came rushing over and offered to clean the floor so I could escape to the bathroom.  Seriously, to this day I don't know if she knows how much that meant to me.  She jumped up without being asked, and started cleaning up something most people would get queasy over.  It is hard at the time to laugh and appreciate that happening, but is funny!  Stuff like that happens, and I think people are a lot more understanding in those situations than we think! Kids are fun.  :-) 


Rachel said...

Oh April!!! ROFL! I love this AND your positive attitude! I can't wait for disgusting things like that to happen to me! ;)

Chelsea said...

This post made me smile, and think back to the stories that I can share too. I think being peed on is a right of passage into parenthood, or something like that at least (: