Thursday, December 27, 2012

What a guy!

Jason turned the big 30 on the 21st, and I am very glad he was born!  I couldn't have asked for a better  Daddy for our little boys.  We were planning on going to Golden Coral for his birthday.  We were all excited to go, and had been looking forward to a nice evening out as a family.  I was a little under the weather.  I wasn't bad, but a little congested, so I took some medicine.  I also hadn't eaten anything because we wanted to be nice and hungry for the buffet.  Well, it takes about 20 minutes to get there from our house in normal traffic.  Unfortunately, we hit a lot of traffic and were on the freeway for a while.  Wesley fell asleep, and I started to feel really nauseated.  I don't know if I was car sick, if it was the medicine on an empty stomach, or something else (no...not pregnant!). I didn't want to say anything and ruin our night out, but the nausea got worse and worse.  Lets just say we were very lucky we had a bag in the car.  I felt sooo bad and guilty.  Jason was so sweet and turned the car around and was so worried about me.   We went home, and he watched the kids for me so I could sleep.  What a way to celebrate the 30th Birthday!  :-)  He was so loving, and I hope he knows how much that meant to me. He got up early with the kids too another day so I could sleep in and feel better for Christmas.   It worked, because on Christmas I felt great!  He also has been helping to clean a lot during his Christmas break (he has 3 weeks off!!) We did have a nice party for him the day after his Birthday with his family.  We had a taco bar at our house, and he got a lot of nice gifts!  I am so grateful for his kindness. He is a wonderful, hard working, loving guy, and I am glad he is mine!  :-) Our boys sure love him to pieces, and I am glad he is a good role model for them.  Happy 30th Pookie ( is a super lame nickname I call him, but for some reason it just fits)!!!  You are sooo old!!  :-)  :-)  I love you TTHHHHHISSSSSS much! (and lots more!) 

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Aww! I love your family and I miss you guys! :)