Saturday, July 6, 2024

Park Ranger Dreams

 I remember visiting the Channel Islands with my high school environmental science class.  I remember kayaking in caves along the shores and feeling so ALIVE.  I remember hiking in Death Valley as we learned about the geology and geography of the land.  Our world was so much more than concrete and church buildings.  There was meaning behind the mountains.  There was a story in the dirt.  There was science behind every wrinkle, bump, and color in the strata.  My mind was blown away as I learned about our beautiful Californian landscapes as we traveled to places I had only read about in books.  That class changed my life and set the direction of my dreams and goals. I knew I wanted to work outside.  That was where I felt most alive. Years later I visited Yellowstone with my family and was in awe anytime I spotted a ranger explaining the science behind the geysers or helping assist a visitor with their questions.  Their flat hat, uniform, badge, and goofy smiles?! I knew that was what I wanted to be.  My heart filled with a passion that I thought was as unobtainable as a child wishing to be as astronaut.  It was a nice goal, but was it really going to happen?  

Years later as my kids started getting older, the passion inside me grew from a tiny flame to a full inferno.  I love being a mom, but I also have so much more to offer the world. I applied to be a ranger two or three times and got denied each time.  It crushed my spirit.  I could visualize myself in that beautiful ranger uniform; hiking the trails; and teaching people about nature.  I just knew I would be an amazing ranger.  How would I convince the government though?!  I finally decided to volunteer as a ranger for a season to gain the needed experience to put on my resume. I called up Timpanogos Cave, did a quick phone interview, and was surprised they "hired" me on as a 35 year old unpaid intern to give cave tours! I was only expecting to patrol the trails - never did I expect to be asked to give tours! I was elated! Even though this was a volunteer position, I still had a set schedule to work each week for the entirety of summer. I had to go through the same background check as the full time rangers. I did everything the rangers did - minus get paid!  I worked one ten hour shift per week.  It was exhausting but it was exhilarating.  My dreams were finally coming true.  My kids were so proud of me.  They came and visited me and went on one of my tours.  I met the funniest and also scariest people at work.  This was one of my favorite summers and opened the door to becoming an official Park Ranger the next summer.    

While at work, Chase made this adorable lego ranger for me.  One face is my normal "cave tour" face.  The other face is the look I make when someone touches a cave formation! 

One of my favorite things about working outside is the fact that there is never a dull moment on the mountain.  One day we found this dead rattle snake on the side of the trail.  I was entrained all day listing to people scream as they passed it until Ranger Michael moved it off the trail.  

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