Friday, July 19, 2019

Preschool Graduation and Dance recital

Blake's dance studio prides itself in putting on top notch recitals.  I couldn't believe how formal the recital was for such a young dancer!  It felt like he was on Broadway!  It was a great experience, and fun to watch, but I can't imagine how hard it must be for families that have multiple kids in dance for years on end. After all the rehearsals, costume formalities, fees, pictures, ordering tickets, and so on I was exhausted!  However, I LOVE the performing arts and I would do this again in a heartbeat if any of my kids want to continue dance.  My heart seriously melted as I watched my cute little five year old dressed like elvis dancing on that big stage with all the stage lighting on him.  It really was an awesome experience.    

Not only did Blake have a fun recital last month, he also graduated from preschool.  I used to think fancy graduation ceremonies for preschool and kindergarten were a bit silly.  However, Blake's school put on the cutest little graduation for his class and now I'm a fan!  It was adorable and the perfect way to end the year.   It is so fun watching my boys grow and develop their own little personalities.  I'm so proud of Blake for working so hard this year, and I can't wait to see how he does in Kindergarten!  

Blake at his Kindergarten Orientation

His school put on the cutest Mother's Day brunch before the end of the year


What a cute little guy!! 

I LOVE the costume Blake got to wear for his tap/jazz recital!  What a little heart breaker!

His pose cracks me up!!!!  The studio trains them well on how to pose for pictures! 

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