Thursday, September 14, 2017


This past year has been a roller coaster year for Wesley, full of ups and downs.  He was in second grade last year, and while he is very academically gifted, he struggled a little bit in school due to personality clashes with the teacher, and some mild bullying from classmates.  Academically he did great, beside the fact that he was board most of the year. We tried to get him tested for the SALTA program, which is an accelerated academic program for gifted kids that is taught at a separate school.   Even though I know that is the kind of learning environment he belongs in, the testing for it takes five hours, which is really long for kids like Wesley who get easily distracted.  Some of the sections he scored very well on (100%!), while others he struggled a little bit (probably due to being board and distracted).  I could have asked to get him retested, but I decided that the SALTA program was not where he was supposed to be, and that in time another road would open up to us.  A few moths later I started thinking about other options for Wesley, since a public education didn't seem like the right fir for his unique personality. I applied to a few charter schools, since charter schools can customize  their educational plans to fit each kid on a more individual level.  Also, charter schools often have more science than a public school, as well as more specialized classes (art, music, spanish, and so on). Wesley ended up getting accepted into two charter schools, and after taking tours, I decided on one which has an International Baccalaureate educational model.  They focus on service, love, and acceptance of all.  I felt strongly like this was the school Wesley would flourish at.  I was going to keep Chase at our public school since he did so well there, and loved it.  However, a few weeks later Chase got accepted into the charter school as well so we just decided to put them both at the charter. I think it has been a really good decision, and I'm  thankful Wesley didn't get into the SALTA program, because we may have never thought to apply to this Charter school.  When one door closes, another opens!

I've always had concerns about Wesley, so during the summer I took Wesley to a child phycologist who diagnosed him with ADHD, anxiety, and a comunicative disorder.  A diagnosis doesn't change anything, but its nice to have in the event that he might need extra time to take tests, or if he needs a reduced homework load and so on.  I always knew Wesley was special. He has such a brilliant, unique mind.  He thinks differently from other kids his age, and that sometimes makes him feel out of place.  Now I hope he can learn to embrace his differences, and use his energy to make the world a better place.  I have so much love for Wesley, and he teaches me so much about life. He doesn't just live life - he embraces it.  He has such a kind heart.  He has so much compassion for others, and will often cry when he sees someone in pain, or when he sees something sad.  He wants to help every homeless person he sees, and he is always giving his candy and his toys away to other kids to make them happy.  When he notices that I'm not feeling well, he will often write me a note, or provide another kind gesture.

Wesley LOVES to read, and will happily spend hours in his room reading a good book.  He also enjoys experimenting, and building with legos (not following the instructions, but building his own creations).  He plays the piano, and is going to start learning how to play the violin. When he grows up, he wants to be a Chemist/archeologist/treasure hunter.  I can't wait to see what he ends up doing when he is older, because I know what ever he chooses to be - he is going to be amazing, and will make this world a better place!

He turned eight this year, and with that came some big milestones.  He decided to get baptized; he joined scouts; and he had a big birthday party at a trampoline arena.

He had a nice, simple baptism.  We waited a few months as we were trying to decide if he wanted to do it in California with family, or up in Utah.  He decided last minute to get baptized with his friend Erin (who is almost like an adopted daughter) in May.  Wesley asked his second cousin, Spencer Jones, to baptize him and it was such a sweet day.  We had a simple luncheon at our house after, and I'm grateful to those who showed Wesley so much love.

Wesley also became a cub-scout.  I always wanted to be a scout, and I love the idea of scouting and what it teaches to young boys.  I've head that scouting though the LDS church is a much different experience than though a regular scout troop, and I wanted Wesley to be able to experience both.  We ended up signing him up though a non-denominational troop in our area, as well as the ward scout troop.  We also ended up signing up Chase, because in non LDS troops, boys can start as young as 5.  They are both enjoying scouting, and have already earned a few belt loops and advancements.  Wesley went to scout camp this summer, and has already had lots of fun scouting adventures.

We don't have big birthday parties every year for the boys.  I try to rotate so each year a different boy gets a big party.  This year was Wesley's turn, and he wanted to have his party at airborne - a trampoline arena.  He invited about ten friends to his party, and it was perfect.  I didn't have a mess to clean up at home, and the boys got to jump their hearts out, eat cake, open gifts, and then everyone went home.  My kind of party!!!

Wesley and his best friend Dane.  Dane is a few years older, but is also super smart, and they enjoy discussing black holes, minecraft, pokemon, science, and so on  :-D 

We got to eat lunch with Wesley on his birthday

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