Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Chase is Three!!!

Why oh why do the years go by so fast?!  My sweet little guy just turned three.  To celebrate, we went to a train show where he got to ride some trains, walk through some real trains, see train models, and work a real train gate thingy (not sure what it is called, lol).  It was really hot, but Chase had a blast, and that made it all worth it!  After we had a little family party at our house...Thomas the Train theme of course!  :-)  Then, on his actually birthday, I took him to Farrills ice cream where they had sirens and drums and flashing lights as they sang a tribute to him for his birthday.

Chase is my sweet, sweet boy.  He has been a cuddler since he was born, and he still is.  He is just so, so sweet.  Sure, he is three and has his moments, but he really is just a good kid.  He is so well behaved at restaurants, in nursery (when he is not too scared to go in), and just in general.  He has always been so easy for the most part, and I am so grateful for his easy going personality.  He does get pretty wild with Wesley, and they do fight a lot, but he really is a sweet boy.   He has a very mellow, calm, shy, and sweet personality.  He is so quiet, and is trying soo hard to talk to us.  He has difficulty in pronouncing a lot of words, and therefore he has a hard time communicating what he wants.  He is getting better though.  He is also potty training right now.  I bought a bunch of hot wheel cars, and each time he gets five stickers on his potty chart, he gets to pick a car out of the bag.  He has been so, so easy.  I still have him in pull ups during the day, and a diaper at night because he forgets often and has accidents, but for the most part, he is so willing to please. I never had any struggles with him in trying to get him to use the toilet.   He gets the sweetest smile when he goes on the toilet, and says, "I did it!!!!!"  He also is a good brother.  After Wesley went to the bathroom, Chase wanted to share one of his hot wheel cars with him.  He took a hot wheel car (still in package) out of his potty training special bag, and told me he wanted to give one to Wesley.  That melted my heart.  What a sweet two year old (his age at the time)!!  He is so kind.  He also loves baby Blake, and when ever Blake looks his way he says, "He looking at me!!!"  He still loves anything vehicle related, and loves watching the trash trucks each Friday.  He is a picky eater, and his favorite foods right now are anything cheese related - grilled cheese, quesadillas, and macaroni and cheese.  He also loves my smoothies - even when I make them crazy healthy.  He loves to give me big hugs all the time, and out stretched his arms as far as they go as he says, "I Love you THIS much!!!" If he ever accidentally hurts me (steps on my toe, scratches me, and so on), he rushes to give me a kiss better. I just can't put in words what a sweet disposition he has.  When he smiles, it is just so pure and innocent.  He is my little love bug.  I sure love my sweet, kind, loving little Bubbas.  He makes me so, so happy and I am so blessed to be his Mommy :-) 

I didn't put up a lot of decorations, but the day before his party, I took him to Party City and let him pick out what he wanted. That next morning when he woke up to the front room decorated, he had the sweetest smile.  He took my hand into the front room and pointed out the table cloth, and the Thomas decorations, and was just so excited.  He even showed me the gifts I had wrapped for him, and when I told him he had to wait until his party that afternoon to open them, he sweetly said, "Ok Mommy!"  I am so grateful for his easy going personality.  He just melts my heart!

He got a recycle truck AND a dump truck!!  Lucky boy :-) 

He opened most his gifts from us when Jason was home on Saturday during his party, but we saved his main gift for his actual Birthday.   Here is his face when he saw his Plasma car and balloons Birthday morning:

He also got a fun scooter from Grandma and Papa that he has been having fun riding around!  :-)

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