Friday, January 10, 2014

Older Wesley-isms

Most of these I am copying from my old Facebook statuses, so some of these happened a year or two ago, and I may have already documented them in my blog, but I can't remember.  I just know I will never keep track of all the stuff I have posted on Facebook in the past (I don't post as much over there now as I used to), but this I will read often and will be able to print when I print my blog.  

Wesley: "Mommy - does the sewer clean up the poop to turn it back into food so we can eat it again?"

At Disneyland, Wesley asked me why raisins were wrinkly, and why old people were wrinkly. After explaining to him (and while eating raisins), he goes up to an older person and says, "I am eating dried grapes, but YOU are not dried up!!!"

...I can't get too mad at my sweet Wesley after he comes and throws his arms around me and says, "Mommy, I love your beautiful shirt, and I love your beautiful hair, and your beautiful necklace. and I love your beautiful pupils..those are the middle part of your eye mommy! I love you!"

This one makes me laugh now: 

Today I'm reminding myself how grateful I am to have happy healthy kids...especially since in just a span of a few hours, Wesley has dumped the entire trash can of trash in the toilet, and when it didn't flush, he took it all out and put it back in the trash. He took a tube of Chase's eczema cream and wiped it all over the changing table, and all over his hair. And, while using the toilet, he accidentally peed all over his nice clothes.

Wesley: "Mommy, I went poo poo in the toilet!!! I am a big boy! I am growing up! I am almost a grandfather now!"

Wesley: "Mommy! Look!! What is on your toe? You have some hair on your toe!!" Me: "Ya, I guess I do (thinking...thanks for pointing it out!! lol) Wesley: "Mommy, if we water it, will your hair grow really tall?!" I hope not!! ha ha ha

me: "Wesley, do you know what Chase's full name is?" 
Wesley: "Chase Chasey-poo Burnell!"

We get a lot of comments about Wesley's red hair, but one of the best I've heard came from a man sitting behind us in church yesterday. He said, "that boy looks like he came straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting!"

I was talking to Wesley about growing up, and I was telling him that someday he will be a grown-up and a Daddy and he said, "and some day Daddy will be a Wesley!!"

me: "Wesley...please pick up your books" Wesley: "I can't! Look...I have teeny tiny itty bitty hands!"

I was watching a documentary about a baby born early and his struggles in the NICU. I was getting teary eyed thinking about my little Wesley in the NICU, and my little 2 year old comes up to me...not knowing what I was thinking about, and gives me a hug and says, "I love you!!" Talk about melting my heart!

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